
Why don't stores in California take measures to keep their merchandise from falling off shelves.?

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They tell you ways to secure items in your house from falling, but when you go into a stores you see merchandise on the shelves just ready to fall off if there happen to be an earth quake. Can't they put up shelve rails or even put up elastic cords? What about even tilting the shelves down a little bit so that the merchandise is pressing back on each other rather then sitting like dominos?

It seems like this is not a great priority with stores to prevent lose of merchandise . The piles and stacks of merchandise they have up on the risers are never secure! The recent earth quake in Reno with a 4.6 tremor which wasn't that large, the pictures show a lot of merchandise had fallen onto the floors.

That got me thinking about asking this question.




  1. a quake like that happens every fifty years...enuff said...

  2. Maybe its because the point of having a store is to sell merchandise, and if there is something blocking the idiot customer from getting it off the shelf, it inhibits their ability and desire to work any harder for the item they're trying to purchase.

    Stores want their merchandise to look pretty on the shelves and be easily accessible so it sells.

  3. It's not cost effective, when you think about how much merchandise falls, vs. the inconvenience to the customer taking it off a "fall proof" shelf, vs. the extra cost involved, vs. the high volume of merchandise that DOESN'T fall.

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