
Why don't technologically advanced...?

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Why don't technologically advanced Europe and America find an alternative to pertol and diesel, when the oil exporting countries are trying to flex their muscles by increasing crude oil prices?




  1. Technically it's possible. But it seems at this rate the petrol is still Technically it's possible. But it seems at this rate the petrol is still affordable.

  2. Money and stubbornness are the two main things keeping this from happening. Obviously, it would cost a lot of money to completely transform the vehicles on which our entire modern society is based, but also in general most are still not looking at this in the context of needing to change their ways; in a recent PollingPoint poll, 77% of respondents drove less due to higher gas prices and 62% cut back on other expenses; h**l, 18% worked more often or worked a second job, but less than 10% started doing things like, say, using mass transit (8%) or riding a bike (7%).

  3. Brazil uses ethanol instead of oil.

  4. This is because of convention.... everything was and designed to be that way, and changing would require drastic remodelling of everything. Its easy to shift from coal to petrolrum, or petroleum to natural gas, but not to something like electricity... Also, its a matter of convinience... We have petrol pumps everywhere, now imagine replacing each and every one of them with any new technology!!!

  5. the technologies for zero point energy exist today.  play around with google and youtube.  clowns in basement home labs can do it, so could any major company.  it is not in gov't interest to stop oil dependency at present.

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