
Why don't terrorists do this?

by Guest58158  |  earlier

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I was thinking, and if terrorists really wanted to make an inpact on American society, why don't they just bomb the Exxon executive buildings, and those of other huge oil companies.It make the oil prices sky rocket, I personally wouldn't care, after years of ripping of the American people. I'd be happy they got what as coming. And along with people not being able to afford oil, the oil companies would be in utter chaos, not knowing who would control what. I think that if I was a terrorist. That's something I would look into.





  1. I'm sure the terrorists appreciate your help. Maybe you could help them with logistics. The families of the 3000 victims of the last attack also appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    Please everyone, don't report this question and have it removed. It is good for people to know how some among us think.

    Just out of curiosity Rob, who do you support for president?

    Here is a recent answer of yours:


    He (Obama) deserves enoumous credit, unlike that criminal george bush, Who was "Born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple" Barrack Obama is a success story, and he has my support 100%

    Obama and Biden 2008!!!



    Thanks Rob

  2. Simply put, its because the government IS the terrrorists. Al Qada translates roughly into english as 'the base'. 'The Base' refers to the list American Intel kept of the Mujahahdeen fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. They figured they would be useful they came up with 9/11, which was an inside job, pulled of by rogue elements of our government to drag us into war in the middle east, blamed it on the Arabs and now were fighting on two fronts and looking at a third and forth with Iran and Russia.

    A cold hard fact is that without governments to back them, there are no terrorists.

    If the terrorists were a real threat, our rail lines would be sabotaged, our communication towers, pipelines, bridges, overpasses would be blown, water supplies compromised, random bombings all over the country. But there are no real terrorists, not in the sense you hear about on the news. In terrorists, just pissed off locals who want us out of their country, just like we would. terrorists, the government flew the real terrorists out of the country into Pakistan before we invaded....its all set up to keep the public scared of the boogie man.

    Dont take my word for it either, look into it for yourself, I promise you wont like what you find. Actually, google 'project northwoods' that should get you started.  

  3. I believe that personally they are in on it with them big tycoons.They are destroying our infrastructure through our economy,and our work ethic's.They need not blow up stuff to disable our country,but little by little destruction of our economy will do just as bad.

  4. They don't want to disrupt our economy when we are about to elect a president that they like (Obama).


  5. aside from it been an atrocity of loss of life i dont think it'd make oil prices alter--these firms have business continuity plans and if an office gets bombed its all data stored off site on other computers theyd just find another office and keep going from other premises.

    when terrorists blew stuff up in the uk in city of london in the 80s business didnt collapse tyhey just put new windows in and life went on within a few weeks as all the back up data kept things ticking over

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