
Why don't the Democrats leak that Hillary is in for a top job if Barack is elected? The Republicans have ?

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obviously tried to attract disaffected Hillary supports with the nomination of Sarah Palin for V.P, isn't it time for a counter move by the Democrats?




  1. I think they are still reeling from their excellent Dem convention.  So many people filling the stadium and more waiting and listening outside.  A counter move is probably on its way.

    A good job for Hill   - its a given.  Of course she will be given a good job.  I'm sure she knows already and probably was given her choice..  I hope its far away from him though.  Dems. stick together and there will be unity of sorts, at least superficially.  She and Oprah both will get their picks of primo jobs in Washington.  

  2. It was a calculated move by Dems.  With 2 or 3 Supreme court nominees coming up, Hillary will get one where she can really show her intelligence and power. Doesn't matter that she has no experience as a judge. Most newly elected judges don't.  They just have to know the law.  

  3. It wouldn't help their biggest problem, which is Barack at the top of the ticket.

  4. Like Palin is, Hillary was only a pawn in the formula, now Obama doesn't need her any more, Hillary will spend the tribulation back on her hog farm if Gustav or some other 'natural disaster' doesn't blow it away!

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