
Why don't the Dems like women candidates?

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Judging by the record it looks like the Dems Have been decidedly two-faced on this subject.

For several decades they have supported the feminist ideal that the only way a woman could truly achieve anything important was to become successful in the workplace or in politics.

Yet, when Geraldine Ferraro appeared on the scene, they slapped her down.

When Hillary Clinton appeared on the scene they slapped her down.

Now, Sara Palin has appeared on the scene aspiring to achieve in the field of politics, just as the liberals have always said a woman should do, and what are the liberals saying? They are saying that "a woman's place in the home," where she should take care of the kiddies, a job which, incidentally, her husband, Todd Palin, had already agreed to do.

Will we now see the liberals claim that a male does not have what it takes to be a good parent? Some will! Count on it!

So there you have it. Sara Palin aspiring to achieve on one of the very same foundation planks the liberals hold dear, and they are attacking her for it. Talk about two-faced! Maybe we should coin a new phrase for them. How about three-faces, or four-faced? Better yet is an old, out west term, "four flushers." That's it! The liberals are "four flushers." You don't hear that term much anymore but it definitely time to bring it back. Look it up in Wikipedia.




  1. Palin is a threat to liberals.

  2. We don't vote for genitals....we vote for the best candidate...

  3. Not all liberals slapped Hilary down...I wanted Hilary over Obama. I know numerous people who wanted Hilary over Obama. I voted for Hilary and I wanted her to run with Obama for VP.

    You can talk all you want about liberals..there's good and bad in both Republicans and Democrats.

    My kids dad is a Republican and he drank, spent the rent money on pot, stole my pain pills after I had a C-section, owes $20,000 in child support, was violent when he drank alcohol, and jeopordized the kids safety while having visitation with them. do you really think that is a fit dad?

    I take care of my kids on my own with three jobs, trying to make ends meet.

  4. The only thing the Libs do for women is to use them. They like the issue that a woman has a choice when it comes to killing their babies, and thats where it ends. Other than that the old betty crocker syndrome kicks in. Get in the kitchen, whip up the food, take care of the kids and the house and only use your mind for menial tasks. They dont believe a women is capable of anything beyond that. That was pretty obvious during the clinton campaign. They would rather have a man whose only experience was 144 days in the US senate, with criminal associates, and questionable patirotism, than to have a woman run for president. "Four Flushers" is the right term for the Libs.  

  5. I wanted Hillary and now Obama and im a man... So what the h**l are you talking about?

  6. Yep, its just nit picking. They don't have any real arguments so they will nit pick everything, just hoping to strike a nerve. However, the Dems are good at talking the game, but bad at producing results. They mouth equal rights then when they have a winner, a woman, it scares the good old boys club. So they go out and find a loser and hype him up, cover-up as much as they can and use mis-direction and double talk to knock the woman down. Hillary was not pliable and Obama was. They needed someone they could control and Hillary wasn't it.  

  7. democrats hate women..women are not for raising families with..they are for having s*x with and abusing..want their votes and their s*x ..nothing else.

  8. You just don't get it, do you? Choosing to bring a special needs child into the world then finding something more important to do when the child is 4 months old doesn't endear her to women.  It just proves the pro-lifer sorts are only concerned about those fetuses in the womb but run off after birth.

  9. Democrats have always stood by women's rights while Republicans called them liberal feminist. LOL, do some research and stop being gullable.

  10. Why don't the Dem's like women candidates

    Guess none of them are inexperienced, anti-g*y, abortion, environment, gun toting women who love to shoot wolves and hate polar bears

    People are supporting this mindless pick and defending it

    Oh yes as Cindy Mc Cain said...Palin does have and know about foreign countries and is a great choice because she lives in Alaska that is 300 miles from Russia

    Great and USA is laughing stock of the world

    As a women want someone in office who is strong and WISE not a fn soccer mom. One day there will be woman  just not from this field

    she is out there growing up and watching and learning

  11. "When Hillary Clinton appeared on the scene they slapped her down."

    Tell that to the 18 million people who voted for her. It was a close race, but ultimately Obama was more popular. That's hardly "slapping her down." That's running a historic, glass-ceiling shattering race.

    Historically, Republicans have been the ones with less favor for women's equality. Point a finger and you'll have 10 more pointing back at you...

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