
Why don't the Lions play in the World Cup?

by Guest67192  |  earlier

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Why do Wales, England, Ireland and Scotland play seperately in the World Cup? Shouldn't it be the GB Lions representing the country?




  1. nonezed.

    what a talk aboslute ****

    english are child molesters.How the **** can you make a statement like that?

    Your country would be nothing without the support of the english,go it alone and then see how all your fellow welsh would come cruelling back.We subsidise your country so dont forget it.

    Glad not all welsh think like you,i have a couple of good mates that live in saundersfoot and they, just like me they`d think you have a chip on your shoulder.

  2. You are having a laugh. it is all about the pride of you're country, not a blöödy coalition for England to raise the world cup with no help from the welsh, Irish, and god forbid the jock will be difficult to equal that emotion. If i have to explain it to you then you probably wouldn't understand anyway.

  3. Hey "michael"...dont forget.. Ireland bet england last maybe its England that r not good enough to play wit them!!! Its the 6 nations rugby that is on at the moment, it consists of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Italy and France. Also Ireland is not a part of GB only northern. There is Irish players with the Lions so it is not the GB Lions either!! ;-)

  4. Why don't we just scrap the game and toss a coin?

  5. Because they eat people

  6. There are many reasons.

    1 - It would diminish the competitiveness of the World Cup, as it is there are only 9/10 serious competitive nations in the WC, why reduce this to 6?

    2- National Pride- All four countries all immensely proud nations and would not take well to being lumped in with their neighbours.

    3- Historical reasons. The four nations have competed seperately for a hundred years to change this now would be see as abandoning of our heritages.

    4- The individual countries are competitive. If the countries were rountinely getting hammered maybe there would be a case for combining their resouces and giving themselves a chance, howverer this is not he case, England are world chanpions and Ireland are one of the favorites fo the forthcoming world cup.Maybe there is mor of an arguement that the Pacific Islands play as one team in the World Cup?

    5- Avoiding Mimicing Rugby League. A Gb team would be seen to copying rugby league and Union chiefs want to avoid this as much as possible.

    6- as ireland are not part of GB they would be particularly against a Loins format competing in the WC.

    7- Political reasons. Scotland in particular have for a number of years been campaigning for independence the relinquishing of the national rugby team would be seen as a step backwards.

    8- Maintaining 6 nations. What would happen to the 6 nations?

    Would it become the 3 nations?

    Or would it continue as is? if it did it would lose much esteem as the teams in it would not be eligible to play in the WC

    9- We just don't want to !!  

    Hope this clarifies the situation somewhat

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