
Why don't the anti-ilegals focus their attention on Muslims, who are the real terrorists, instead of Mexicans?

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When was the last time you heard of a Mexican killing thousands of people and claiming that their orders came from a higher power?




  1. Terror is mostly coming from the pres, vice president and

    their minions.  They try to keep us scared all the time, reminding

    us of the attacks at opportune moments when their bad actions

    are being revealed, or some vote comes up that needs scared politicians.  The Muslims, Mexicans etc. are just there to be

    boogiemen so we can be scared of them.  "We have nothing to

    fear except fear itself."  is a quote we need to hear more often.

  2. Stop being racist. It is because of people like you that Americans have such a bad reputation.

    I´m glad to know that you don´t represent them all, but stop spreading hate.

  3. brown is brown

  4. Because most of the Muslims are not here illegally!  They came here on what is called the Amnesty law which provides sanction for those claiming they are being oppressed or in fear of their lives if they stay in their own country. This is what brought so many Cubans to this country. In the case of the Cubans, it was true, I am somewhat suspicious of why so many Muslims, who practice their religion freely in this country & were free to do so in their home country, found it necessary to flee to this Christian (?) country.  I wonder just what our government was, is, thinking when they allow this to continue, or even begin!  I have also noted that they have fled to mostly western Christian nations, sure makes me wonder!

  5. If this is your attitude towards life, please go ahead and stay in your littkle-red-neck town. Do the rest of the world´s citizens a favour - don´t bother travelling and DON´T immigrate anywhere else. We don´t want you.

    (already reported your question)!

  6. I wouldnt go so far as to say that Mexicans kill thousands of people.  But, would you say that all Muslims are terrorists?  Thats simply ignorant and borderline racist.  I have many Muslim friends and have never seen people as patriotic as them, to the USA.  They are American citizens just as much as you or I.

    Now back to the illegal immigrants, it doesnt really matter what they do.  I dont agree with them being here as they drain on the healthcare and social wellfare of the country.  Granted, they do pay taxes, but not all of them.  Nor do all of them register for local or state taxes (if you have them) either.  It is unfair.  And even if all of them did register and did pay, the amount of money the government would recieve would, and continues to, pail in comparison to the amount of resources they consume for their healthcare (and why it takes so long in the emergency rooms in hospitals), social welfare, and education of their children.  No, they dont go around killing thousands of people, they go around killing thousands of US taxpayer dollars that should be spent on the people who earn it.

  7. Ilegal is ilegal dosen't matter where they came from.

  8. I've had no damage done nor suffered any direct loss by Muslims. Extremists crop up in mostly every religion.

    But I've seen my town turn to chaos because of illegal aliens who happen to speak Spanish (don't know where they're from, don't care, they're illegal, they refuse to assimilate and they're rude and demanding).

  9. Because aside from the principle, illegally present Mexicans are stealing jobs from the poorest American citizens, with whom they compete for jobs. And if Mexicans can easily enter this country illegally, so too could the Muslim terrorists. (Once it becomes known that Mexicans can enter the US easily, terrorists will pretend to be Mexican and slip in that way.)

  10. This is a example of complete ignorance taking a whole religion of 800 million people and putting 5000 of the radicals or maybe even 10,000 in the face of it. I bet there are worse christian radicals to a ratio of christians to its radicals and muslims to their.

  11. ha ha ha!

    Get a life!

    (Do you really believe everything the preacher is telling you about other religions? Oh..... maybe you ARE the preacher, now I get it)

  12. Mexicans take Americans jobs because they will do it for next to nothing. the company's that hire them are only getting richer . here in Virginia there is a fish company my buddy worked for this company called peabodys fishing well they fired the american workers and hired all mexicans they got by for about 3 years now they got caught they have to pay 6.5 million in fines to the irs. i hope they all die broke. and the familys of the american workers should all get the money they would have made back from them .

  13. Wow, that's a very racist comment.  I never once claimed that all illegal immigrants are Mexican.

  14. The idea that mexicans take American jobs is rediculous. The unemployment rate is 5 percent... very low... What is taking  American jobs.. or jobs that Americans actually want are the rich in our country that moved the jobs out of the country.  You know the ones.  We gave them tax cuts so they could move those jobs out of the country... In other words we financed it.  Those are the Jobs that my kids want... the ones my grand kids will want.  Everything that is happening here... The lowering of taxes, the moment of the industrial base out of the country.  the siphoning of the money out of the treasury.  The shifting of the world base from the US dollar to other currencies is all part of the plan.  The diversion of your attention to illegal aliens as being the basis of that problem is also part of the plan.  You need to think alot deeper than Lou Dumbs and Rush Limburger and Bill O'Rightey to seriously understand whats happening here. Re focus that anger on whats really going on.

  15. Why don't we focus on both?

  16. Not all muslims are terrorists and us muslims are not the REAL terrorists ye so if bush bombs iraq and afghanistan and trying to invade iran thats not terrorism or the israelis OCCUPYING palestine thats not terrorism, oh and get your facts straight because 9/11 wasnt muslims

  17. Mexicans are dirty people who come from the south and murder people and do drugs

  18. People seem to forget that when Americans went to war in the forties, Mexican labor is what kept California going, and they didn't get paid. When the labor force returned again they were treated like slave labor and the only jobs they could get were the jobs that whites wouldn't do because it was "below" them. forgive the term, but for the most part we are considered to be the "n*****s" of the south west and are treated as second class as much as black Americans were in the south, as little as 40 years ago. But as voters, we are a source of votes that can number in the ten's of thousands, and are usually democratic conservatives. Just try and get a Muslim to vote christian conservative. Millions are collected by the IRS in income taxes that are never filed for because they are afraid of the government. In Mexico, any contact with the government/police usually means incarceration, or even death, and you may not even be guilty of anything. This large block of votes must be controlled, otherwise they could vote for just any one. That's the battle. Deny votes to those who oppose you, and you can win an election. Remove a source of votes that you know your opponent would rely upon, and you can swing an election into the direction that is favorable to your point of veiw. my family was here for over 5 generations ( thats about 120 years for those of you in Rio Linda) but I still get called a wet back. As far as we are concerned, you're the imagrints. We were here first giving the gospel to the native americans, and sharing the land and living in peace together. For a hundred years, we were unimportant, until we started to make a difference in elections. If we fail to sound articulate, you claim we're wet backs and have no right to vote, or that "illegals" have swung the vote unfairly. In the north, the problems worse, but how do you tell a white American from a white illegal Canadian?

  19. Um, every time they shoot a cop.  Their country would want them to.

    Muslims arent terrorists, some people that happen to live in a muslim country are terrorists.    i would bet money if the bible you have said eat babies to get to heaven, you would.  (maybe not you personally, but some fundies, definately)

  20. So that is your tactic? We should stop trying to deal with 6-8 million illegal Mexicans and focus on a few extremist Muslims?

    I say we have the capacity to do both thank you very much.

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