
Why don't the enviormentalist complain about gas prices but dont want us to drill?

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we have 10.4 billion in ANWAR alone

and then there is the gulf of Mexico

up to or more than 60 billion barrels!!!

lets not talk about oil shale ( not financally viable yet but in ten years!)

so my question

Why do "greenies" complain about gas prices but don't want us to drill?




  1. ANWAR and the gulf are reserves, we DO NOT WANT TO USE THOSE OIL FIELDS.

    If there were a world war, they would be our only oil supply.

    Also, realize, the U.S uses over 7,000.000,000(roughly 20 million a day) barrels of oil a year. Drilling for a measly 10.4 billion in ANWAR isn't worth it, which is why it needs to be kept a reserve.

    What we need to do is hurry up for oil shale.

  2. Some environmentalists think US gasoline prices should be at least as high as they are in Europe. Why do people complain about high gas prices and keep on driving SUVs with no passengers?

  3. I'm not complaining about gas prices.  I hope they go higher faster.  My resource investments are making me a bundle of money every time you start your car, if you're even old enough to drive.

  4. That way they can have two things to complain about and we know how they like to complain.

  5. Actually, a lot of environmentalists would like gas subsidies to stop, which would raise gas prices.  This would get more people thinking about reducing gas use and start to think about alternative energy use.  And the reason that environmentalist do not want people to drill in ANWR is that it is a wilderness reserve and we do not want to harm an endangered environment more than we already have.  Also, drilling in ANWR would only provide like three months of oil, which would not even reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

  6. Hi  The best reason is that the big oil company's drill in the sea right where the whales, dolphins,& porpuses breed.   Green Peace took the oil co.'s to court to stop them & Green Peace won that battle, but not the war yet because oil co's are so powerfull & help the Goverments with money to get elected.  The main breeding place is north,  of Scotland. this is the most important breeding place in this country maybe the world. also Shell is building a gas route through this natural area by  IreIand making it unsafe in 2007.  they pour toxic waste in the sea which yhe people also get refined to drink it is UNSAFE.  a lot of the sea mammals will be extint in 20 yrs  also all the traffic going to & throw hits whales & others & kills them that way.  It is not exceptable.  It is our natural world it will be lost soon  plus over fishing made the mammals food supply deminish.  It is crimanal but they try to get away with it because they have lots of money & power.  their must be laws to protect this area  it's our country.

  7. What evidence do you have that "Greenies" do complain about gas prices?

    Most Europeans just laugh when Americans complain of gas at $4 a gallon since they already pay the equivalent of anywhere from $6 to $8 a gallon.

    ANWAR would contribute less than 6% of US consumption and deep well Gulf fields may contribute 10%. Importation would still be needed and at whatever price the Global market has then reached. Oil Shale is unlikely ever to be financially viable with its very low ratio of recovered energy against energy invested.

    So even if you open up the fields it isn't going to make a big difference to the pain you're going to feel long term but in doing so it will probably have a serious negative impact on two environments. So it becomes an easy question, is a few cents a gallon less to Joe Public worth more than an irreplacable environment?

  8. they're dumb

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