
Why don't the hard workers ever get anything? (Financial Aid, etc)?

by  |  earlier

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But, the lazy uneducated ones who didn't want to go to school or work and make low income/yr (no offense!!) get EVERYTHING for free!? It just makes no sense! Yes, we work hard and can afford things. We're the ones that need to get the rewards for being hard workers!




  1. yes you are right .but if we don't the native will riot  and ruin all that we have worked for.then we will have to rebuild while the lazy asses suck down 40s and cash their gov cheese checks

  2. They're abusing the system, thats why. Its supposed to be for people who really actually need it, not lazy butt wipes. Lifes not fair. Get used to it. At least you can be proud in the knowledge that you deserve the things you have worked so hard for.  

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