
Why don't the people of the world love all of the mankind much more than their own nations ?

by Guest66453  |  earlier

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Why don't the people of the world love all of the mankind much more than their own nations ?




  1. Because they didn't read a short piece called Desiderata.

    They only needed to google it!


  2. The natural state of humanity is tribalism, where your own tribe are human and everybody outside of it is subhuman.  You rape a woman of your own clan, you get the axe; you rape a woman from a neighboring tribe, you get hailed.  Changing tribe for nation is a step up, and changing nation for all mankind is a step up from there; the problem is that even at the national or international level people tend to revert to tribalism using other parameters, so it's not so cut-and-dried as it might seem on the surface.  Communists tribe up according to class, and regard the middle class as subhuman, so they 'liquidated' the middle class everywhere they took power.  n***s divided everything by race, which is as fake a construct as exists, taking tribalism to a new low based on the idiotic theory of Atlantis and the origin of the 'Aryan' race.  Jews and Blacks and Gypsies were all subhumans, and we know what they did about that.

    Those who claim to be universalist in this regard are usually just lying to themselves, practicing self-flattery.  The 'progressives' in America claim to love all mankind but their words and deeds don't live up to their platitudes.  There is nothing more venomous and hateful than a 'progressive' website, and no n**i propaganda was ever quite so pitiless towards their enemies.  Fortunately progressives are all talk; they may bluster and wish death upon their enemies, but they mostly don't dare follow through with their threats.  

    If you're looking to find somebody who loves all mankind without particular regard to his own nation, you'll need to look at religious leaders.  There are a few, though they also tend to fall into a transnational version of tribalism too.  However the Dalai Lama and the Pope really don't see nor preach that those who are not Buddhist or Roman Catholic are less than human and deserve death.  There have been Popes in the past who did just that, but thankfully that age is long since over.

    The fact is it takes extreme effort to break out of your own milieu and love all mankind truly rather than merely mouthing a few platitudes and pretending to weep over dead African children.  People tend to like others like themselves, whether it's because 'we're all Samnites together' or 'We are the revolutionary vanguard together' or 'we're all Christians here.'  If you think you're above all these and really and truly love all of mankind then an unkind word can never escape your mouth about anybody.  That's something I aspire to, but I'm not even close at present.  Maybe by the time I'm 90 I'll be able to really love the good that does exist in everyone and only feel pity for the bad.  I hope so.  

    Meanwhile there are groups of people I still consider subhuman, to my shame.  Pedophiliacs, rapists, and terrorists (and I mean Beslan-types) I abhor, and wish I could waste every last one of them.  Oh well.  Maybe someday.

  3. People who want to maintain the sovereignty of their own nations want to keep the laws in tact. When you start allowing people to cross over the borders without following the laws,i.e. Mexico,  this breeds lawlessness and nations built upon economic factors instead of the Constitution.

  4. There's only so much any organism can do to effect change on it's surroundings. Basic survival imperatives compel us to enhance our environment to our own benefit (on a strictly local scale, and generally only in the simplest terms).

    As a result we dedicate our help/devotion/care/assistance (aka "love") to those other organisms in a situation where they are most likely to assist us in return.

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