
Why don't they give incentives for lower electric bills according to comparritive house size?

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if someone can lower bills by drastic conservation they should be rewarded




  1. We take it you have a large house and want to be rewarded for that.

    Or do you want to be rewarded for having a smaller house?

    If we are to give incentives for reducing electrical consumption, mostly we would like to see that someone is doing so without using up more natural gas.

    We might prefer that the household switch from electrical to natural gas to heat their hot water, to cook the dinner, even switch from electric heating to gas heating. They do we expect find some economy in the price they pay, and if we give them a first year  incentive for reducing their  electrical consumption, the amount of incentive will be proportional to energy not used, and that is already, likely, related to house size.

    So perhaps there is no reason to add a further reward for having a big house.

    Now, it may be more difficult to make big reductions if you have a small house, so we might want to provide an extra incentive. But even better, we might have a program that takes back incentives for reducing energy consumption for those who later go back to bad old ways?

  2. Who is "they"? Either the government (my taxes) or the power company (by increasing my rates). If just having a lower bill isn't enough, too bad.

  3. My electric company does not do this now,but I seem to recall that other electric companies in other cities where I used to live had a graduated rate structure. The first few kWh per month were charged at a much lower rate and the more you used the more you paid for the extra power. The idea was that poor people should always be able to afford enough power to run the minimum required items, which were a refrigerator and lights. Extras like TV or A/C would cost you more.

  4. A good idea, would need some regulation or state controls, on Utility Companies ..etc ?

    Electric supplier, im using offers - Night time reductions, to users to move away from - Peak time demands etc.

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