
Why don't they have funerals for miscarriages?

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just curious?

I know Someone that had a miscarriage and when everything came out they put everything in a box and burried it and it got thinking.




  1. I miscarried once. I was only a couple weeks into it. I went to the build a bear store and made a teddy bear in its honor. They give you a little crib to take it home in and while you are there you can wish upon a felt heart a place it inside the bear. I thought it was a sweet idea.

  2. That is really a personal choice.

    I very close friend of mine had two miscarriages late on.  They were able to hold the babies (though no larger than their palm) and tell the s*x of boys and everything.

    They did do a funeral for each, and she visits them quite often.

    Others, when they loose a baby early early on, there really isnt anything to burry.

  3. Because you never met the baby and people dont want to spend money on a funeral because they are expencive

  4. wow - i'd be in the poorhouse if i had to have a funeral service for every miscarriage.  i just lost pregnancy #16 a few weeks ago at a couple days shy of 12 wks although a week and a half earlier, i'd been warned there was no detectable heartbeat.

    a memorial service is never amiss if it means something to the parents-that-should-have-been

  5. I think it depends on how far along the woman was when the baby was lost and why it was lost. Funerals are expensive and if the pregnancy wasn't viable to begin with...well, you should get the point. If she was further along, like 16+ weeks (generally)or if she lost it due to trauma then it would be completely understandable for one to have funeral services.

  6. I've had 2 miscarriages...the first I was just so shocked and so early on that it never occured to me. With my 2nd miscarriage I wrote a very long letter to our baby (really for my own well being) and keep it put away in my jewlery box. I think having a funeral would have been too difficult on us. Instead, we just spent a lot of alone time. I sat outside and 'talked' to our unborn baby and wrote the letter. It seemed to help me recover from what had happened, but as far as a funeral would have been much to difficult.  

  7. you know how some people think that humans are actually "apes" ? well, people think that since the baby is not born yet, and has not came into the world, they are not human. and as you can see, people only have funerals for humans. i know, it's really stupid.

  8. It depends on how far into the pregnancy you are. Most women do miscarry and don't even know it because it happens before she's missed her period and found out she was pregnant. If you have a miscarriage early in your pregnancy, you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl, and there's nothing to bury. A later pregnancy miscarriage or still birth usually have funerals. It really just depends on the situation and what the parents want.  

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