
Why don't they have refunds for plastic bottles in most states of the US?

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If plastic is petrolium based and there is so much oil amid rising gas prices,why can't there be a refund like there is for aluminum cans? Is it more expensive to recycle or just not as worth the amount as aluminum?




  1. Some states don't have the resources for recylcing centers. Its definately cheaper to recylce. Drive out of state if you really want to.

  2. Because we suck.

    ...That would mean being efficient. It's like, against our U.S. law.

  3. who knows what they are thinking when they set out deposit guidelines.Just came back from up state Michigan ski trip had bought  a case of Pepsi plastic bottles from Wal Mart in Petoskey Mi.returned some of the plastic and beer bottles there and got our refund then drove 90 miles to Sault Ste Marie Mi. to return the other bottles before crossing the border and low and behold they would not take our empties at that Wal Mart so whats the deal with that my brain still hurts from trying to figure that on out.But I digress any and every beverage bottle should have a deposit on it and be accepted in the local from were they were bought not just a hit and miss thing.

  4. In my city our recyclables get picked up at the curb like the rest of the trash. I prefer that to having to save everything and dragging it to the grocery store to get my deposits back like I used to do in NY.

  5. We should be able to get refunds, it would help the environment. People would pick up some of the liter if we got a refund on plastics.I don't know why they use plastic as much as they do.

  6. Most states do not have a recycling mandate for plastic. It is up to the consumer to be more Eco friendly.

  7. We haven't evolved quite that far. We can always hope. peace

  8. because it takes more fossil fuel to pick up,store, transport & reprocess them than it takes to make a new one.

  9. it will cost  75% more to recycle plastic  during the recycling thet add so much morr petrolium it would also couse more problames than it  solves

  10. I have asked this question in another state, other than California, and the answer was:  "We tried it and just could not make it pay its way"

  11. US be po.

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