
Why don't they make elevated bike trails in cities?

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I think it would be a good idea. That way, many many more people would ride their bikes to work. The problem now is that most people are scared to ride their bikes anywhere in most cities because it is so dangerous. Bicyclists have to battle with cars and a car is gonna win the battle every time. And almost all roads are specifically designed for car travel only. But a system of elevated bike roads would solve everything. And because the bike roads are elevated, it won't interfere with anything. I would definitely ride my bike almost anywhere if I knew it was safe. Safety is really the only roadblock for me. Tampa is an awful city for bike access on the roads. Simply awful.




  1. It would be too expensive to build elevated bike trails, let alone bike trails on the ground!  Your questions highlights and important issue in road and community design- most of American towns and cities are built and designed for car travel, with little thought to pedestrians or cycling.  If communities planned bike networks, it is much easier to build them when the area is being developed rather than trying to add them later!  Once a town is built, there are land rights, intersections, freeway crossings etc. Many cities do have a bike network, but the city has to have the vision, political will and money to build it.

    Florida is the most dangerous state to ride a bike.

  2. Too expensive and not enough demand

  3. People would fall off.

  4. If you ever watched my xgf ride a bike you wouldn't need to ask. -lol

    Seriously a trail would be too small and a road too costly.   However as a revitalization plan a network of 2nd story roadways designed just for unmotorized transportation would go a long way in relieving congestion and add to the safety of roadways.  Bicyclist and pedestrians could get the sunshine and fresh air.  Motorist could have clearer streets and less concern for the elements.

  5. While we're at it, let's build a teleportation network.  Wouldn't you like to just teleport to work?

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