
Why don't they put thousands of tiny windmills next to busy tracks to capture the energy of passing trains?

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Why don't they put thousands of tiny windmills next to busy tracks to capture the energy of passing trains?




  1. They should, !! Thats a great idea!!

  2. Nice idea -- but why not just put the windmills on the train?

  3. A brilliant idea!

    Nut,remember,it is not constant,only when the train trael by,it only spins,that means you need to cover the whole track to get only some part of the energy.......

    Anyway,I like your idea!

  4. Those are great ideas, but I like Emerald's best- put the windmills directly on the train!  

  5. People steal them and sell them to scrap metal dealers.

  6. In an AC sustem they must be in sync or they will fight each other.

  7. because the amount of wind generated is miniscule compared to what is available on the ocean, in the midwest, etc.

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