
Why don't they recyle electricity?

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I've read some articles and they said it requires more energy than it would gain.

Please give me some more details.




  1. The electrons are just too tired.

  2. There is no where to store the electricity.  At night there is as much electricity produced as in the daytime, but there is no place to store it so it is just wasted.  That is why you should charge things like batteries and cell phones etc over night.

    They could store the electricity in batteries but it would take a lot of them and we would run out of room to store them.

  3. You have no concept of how electricity works do you?

    Just take their word for it.  They are right and it would take a long time to explain why.

  4. i guess its like purpetual motion or however you spell it.

  5. E.g., you burn electricity to light a lightbulb, and theoretically you could take the heat from the bulb and use that to generate electricity.  However, there's no way to capture enough heat from the bulb to generate enough electricity to keep another bulb going.  Besides, the device used to collect the bulb's heat would block the light.

  6. Ok..  Lets first understand a battery. As you know, electrons flow from negative to positive terminal. You hook a wire on both ends and the electrons flow. Inside the battery, electrons cannot go from positive to negative again for reuse.

    As I explained to you, electrons cannot be reused directly. The electric company can send out electricity using the negative terminal but must have a positive terminal for electricity to flow. If the electric company actually hook the returning-electricity-cable to another negative terminal to send it out again, no electrons would flow because electrons don't go from negative to negative.

    And so other people give answers like capturing electricity using solar power to send it out again, storing electricity but it would take too much room, and the concept of perpetual motion, how energy is lost due to heat or friction.

    Truly for an electric company, they gain more profit to keep generating more electricity rather than taking time collecting weak and used electrons that already went through someone's home. They could be adding more generators rather then adding rechargable batteries which are expensive, take up much space, and does not create power.

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