
Why don't tylenol/advil ever work for me?

by Guest59152  |  earlier

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i am 16 and i swear i'm immune to tylenol/advil/naproxen sodium and similar medicines. they never work. not at all. why could this be?




  1. Are you taking enough? Depending on your body weight, you may require more than just the recommended two pills. That aside, you can't expect tylenol to work miracles, it is not an intensely strong pain reliever.

  2. tylenol is not a good pain reliever only for minor pain. try alieve or excedrin

  3. you prob use it too much after awhile it stops workin

  4. the more you use it, the less effect it will have

  5. Are you a healthy eater and drink enough water? Pain killer medicine usually is less effective if you have a healthy active lifestyle. Also the more you take the more your body will adjust. Really painkillers depend on the individual genetic makeup of the individual and are a waste of money. A better solution is to get enough sleep and be active. Let your body figure it out on it's own.

  6. Weird! Tylenol never works for me... Advil works the best, however.  

  7. you could be exactly right.

    your body may just be immune to them.

    tylenol doesnt work for me either....

  8. With pills all people are different. They affect different people in different ways. Your body could just react in a odd way to these pills.

    i would recommend to ask a doctor or try things until you find something that works.

  9. iam not sure but its nothing to worry about tyloneol barley ever works for me but you should try mortrin it helps me  

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