
Why don't we, as Americans do something?

by Guest34324  |  earlier

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So many of us do not like how our country has been and continues to ber run by the government. We complain, but no outward action is taken by us as a group of concerned Americans. Express your ideas, concerns, government opinions.




  1. I thought that is what people were doing online. I would have to ask for a definition of "complain". Maybe that's what was happening that last midterm election, people complaining, or Yahoo and other answer sites controlling the complaining for kicks and a few advertizing dollars...

  2. a subtle, but major, problem in our country today is that people don't understand how the government works. Because of this, most people choose not to take action and express their opinion because they believe that their voice does not matter or that they have no power over the gov. (do you see how important it is that we educate our children now?)

  3. Yes you are right to some extent, but as the latest attempt at amnesty for illegal aliens pointed out to these government officials, "the people" can affect policy. The one thing they have to do is get re-elected, and they understood quite well, that the representatives in certain areas would not get re-elected if they supported that legislation.

    The people still hold the keys to congressional offices.

    My biggest concern is the unholy alliance of liberals and the teachers unions. While most politicians fear an informed public, the liberals have more to gain by an uninformed public.

    The uninformed, and along with that, under educated public , is easy to convince that certain issues are in their best interests. These issues include, but are not limited to:

    Universal health care

    Not privatizing social security

    Strict gun control, or even banning guns

    Minimum wage increases

    National I.D. cards

    While I am greatly concerned about the threat of terrorism, in my mind the biggest threat to the future of the U.S. is teachers unions specifically, and public employee unions in general.

    While certain categories of public employees facilitate the production of capital, none directly contribute to our economy in any way.

  4. The USA is a Republic.  This is a type of Democracy where the people elect representatives to decide what must be done, to run the government on behalf of the people.

    Every few years there is an election to replace these elected representatives, or reaffirm which are doing a good job and should stay in place.  In many states, if the people think their electees are doing a lousy job, or are crooks, there is a way to get them impeached without waiting on the next election,

    People can also contact their representatives with their concerns.  People can volunteer to work with their political parties, or can volunteer to work with various ngo's like NAACP ACLU whatever

    People can choose not to be involved.

    This is freedom.

  5. Both Americans and Canadians will learn that complaining , whining , begging and groveling will do them no good ! It NEVER has !

    When it comes to government , we`re dealing with a "closed clique" of aaas-patting , greedy , mostly unintelligent good-for-nothings' that simply take turns at running the country .

    If it`s not them , it`s their friends and relatives in most cases . It`s been going on for years and years and years  , and most people just don`t see it . Whenever a Senator , vice president or president is elected , he/she is ALWAYS a friend , aquaintance , relative , or associate of one of the others in the "clique" .

    It`s this "circle of comrades" that runs America and Canada , and NOT the people ! And people wonder why these two governments do as they please , and work only to enrich their personal fortunes instead of running the country as it`s supposed to be run .

    This will never end unless people begin doing more than whine , complain , and write their elected officials . It`s no different than having a child at home that`s slowly ruining your life with his uncontrollable tantrums , destructive behaviour , stealing , lieing , and disrespect towards the parents in general .

    Does anyone think that complaining to the child , or begging him to change will make him see the light ? Not in a million years ! He`ll see that you`re helpless in what you can do , and in fact take advantage of that fact !

    But ......... if you take that same child into the woodshed ....... pull down his pants ......... put him over your knee , and give him a whipping he`ll long remember ..... he`ll change !

    Government is no different ! It`s getting to the point government has to be "reminded" of who it is that actually runs America !

  6. Oh, people have been voicing their oppinions.  I on the other hand am very satisfied on how our country has been run.  We are #1.

  7. before you consider changing the government and the direction that this country is heading, you have to take into account the equality between each and every person of this country.....

    i would change a great deal if i could but i can't because i have no say all the government has is the vote... and our taxes....

    a major reason i have no say is because of my wealth and social status.... as a working/middle class through which i was raised there are other important things to focus your attention on such as family and friends rather than the troubles of politicians.... a friend of mine said once, "when you vote and when you pay your taxes you have achieved the right to complain about the government and you 'should' have a say...." but as many of us can see that is not necessarily the case... we do complain with good cause...many of the people who voted for Bush now believe he was or is the wrong man for the job and i believe that to be true...... anyway to sum up my story and not to offend anyone the only reason a lot of people don't have a say is either because they don't care or the aren't wealthy enough to be recognized by the government as a major influence.....

  8. What would you have me do?  Storm the capitol?  With gas prices being so high, how do you anticipate I get there, without going to work?

    Write the papers?  We've done that . . . just because they aren't publishing what we say doesn't mean we're not saying it.

    Put up signs and flags?  That does a lot.

  9. It starts locally. If you are not involved in local elections, you'll never effect change.

    I'm guessing that 99% of the whiney YA'ers don't even know their mayor, council members or school superintendents.

  10. I express my opinion every election day-----do you?

  11. How funny.  You think that the citizens of this country are still in control.

    We aren't.  Get used to it.

    In ANY country, the government appeases the people with talk about how good things are, how much better they will get, and how wonderful thier patriotism is.

    It's all lies.  Our forefathers might have had best intentions when they formed our country, but history shows us the truth.

    All governments fail.  There is not a single government on Earth that has EVER stood the test of time.  America will also fail.  It's a forgone conclusion.  And, I'm willing to bet that the media makes everyone think that it's a GOOD thing.

    I'll even go out on a limb.  I'll bet this happens in your lifetime.  We will be told that we have a national emergency, and that the executive branch is declaring martial law.  9-11 was just a test run.  The coup will be fairly bloodless, fairly painless, and most Americans will support it.  Freedom will die without so much as a whimper.

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