
Why don't we all have motorbikes?

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with fuel prices -blah blah blah, and people driving SUV with only themselves in them to get to work?




  1. What if it rains? =/

    And the bugs flying at you..

    It's probably easier to get hurt in a motor bike accident..

    I think carpooling is best :)

  2. hi kelly... well its a good idea. thats why im getting a motorbike for my 18th



  3. We can't do it here in snow country.

  4. i rode back in the days of BSA TRIUMPH and NORTON

    had thrills and spills and lived but consider this: in america commuting distances havent really changed in 35 years [except for the lucky few that can stay home and get paid for pushing a few computer buttons] but the traffic has, let's face it, a road raging a**h**e in suburben/yukon is dangerous enough to other cars let alone a motor bike.. even in the rural area where i live, biker's are scraped off of the roads fairly often. with all this being said if there were motorcycle only lanes, even if shared with HOV lanes i would consider a new bike but it would be for fun not function.

    note to harley please be careful as you gain experiance it is the tendency  to explore both your bike's and your own personal limits.. in today's america on it's crumbling road systems,  there is no room for the c**p i got away with 35+ years ago.  [tip] a really  loud exhaust system may just save your life.

  5. See this:


    I love to ride my bike.  But it is NOT a safe form of transportation.  In fact in many third world country they have no choice.  But we are NOT a third world country (yet).

    Also a motorcycle only gets about 50mpg to 60 mpg.  My 94 Civic get 41 mpg.  So it is stil cheaper to carpool with 2 or more people than to have 2 people ride around in their motorcycles - all individually.

    Good Luck...

  6. man, i'd love to ride a motorbike. but i can't even ride a bicycle.

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