
Why don't we consciously look for alternate free energy?

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Why don't we consciously look for alternate free energy?




  1. why dont you ?

  2. individuals already are - our government is not.

  3. We rely on fossil fuels so much that we do not realize the negative outcome of their usage.It is true that there arre people who make efforts to find alternate energy sources but it is also true that many people do not have any concern for such matters. There is no such think as free alternate energy because every energy resource requires money to develop.All energy resources have high maintenance and installation costs e.g. solar energy  is a renewable source of energy and has much potential but the cost of maintaining and installing one solar panel is in millions{not everyone has that kinda money}.The government has money but it is doesnot set its priorities right.

  4. Who said we are not looking?

    I just found out there is a new car that runs on compressed air.  No pollution coming out the back.  Sales for the cars is scheduled in 2008.

  5. Because we are too intrenched economically in the fossil fuel "feedback loop", we will look for alternative energy when all of the fossil fuel is gone.

  6. There is no such thing as free energy (at least not in the sense you are talking about).  What ever form of energy you use, it must be collected, put into useable form and distributed.  This of course also requires energy, which must be collected and put into useable form.  None of these activities are going to be done for free, so the ultimate output will have a cost that must be paid by someone.

  7. Thank you for providing a perfect example of why kids under 18 should not vote.

    Nothing is free.

  8. What do you mean by "free" energy? I don't think such thing exists. Every energy-harvesting technology requires capital investment to build an installation and operating costs to maintain it. Every kind of energy, even the clean/renewable/sustainable/green/altern... one, comes with a price tag.

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