
Why don't we do it?

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Instead of the Loud MD80's taking to the sky, especially since they are significantly loud even when hush-kitted, to better follow noise abatement laws, lower costs for airlines, because of the greater range achieved, and lower fuel consumption, why can't we or the airlines with MD80's re-engine them with IAE V2525's to make them MD90's I mean, I have heard the difference between a screaming 80 and Mad Dog 90, and the MD90 was much quieter, so why can't airlines make such a beneficial investment?




  1. Refitting them cost money, and since Boeing acquired MD, i don't think Boeing would be interested in doing that since the MD-80 isn't exactly racking up new orders and it'd take new orders to justify the expenses used in refitting the engines. Plus there are other efficient jets like the A320 and the 737 which can fly the MD-80's mission more efficiently.

  2. Somehow I don't see the airlines agreeing with you that it would be a "benificial investment". Beneficial to who? You because you don't like noise or to the airlines because they sure don't like making capital investements that don't return to the bottom line? And if it doesn't return to the bottom line then guess who supplies the cash to offset that bottom line? You and me baby. Higer ticket prices.

  3. Engines do cost money, and airlines are strapped for cash these days. They may not see the need for such an investment, even though it would make economic and environmental sense.

  4. It is unlikely that any airline would re-engine a whole bunch of airliners already close to obsolescence solely for noise abatement.  Delta alone owns over 200 of them.  Airliners are only making money when they are operating and not while they are in the shop be worked on.  


  5. Yep... Engines cost money.  Lots of money.  About 2 Million dollars EACH. (and that doesn't include the cost of modifying the aircraft, or the labor to do the mods.) You can buy a h**l of a lot of earplugs for that kind of money.

    Oh BTW...  What's with this WE c**p?  "Why don't WE do it?"  I don't particularly care one way or another.
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