
Why don't we ever drop flowers on other countries to let them know that we love them?

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Why don't we ever drop flowers on other countries to let them know that we love them?




  1. I'd say they'd get shredded as soon as they were launched, unless they were fake flowers, in which case they'd probably get caught on a thermal and end up in your enemies country.  

  2. I'm not too sure, but we drop bombs on countries to show we hate them.

  3. Because we show them we love them by rebuilding their countries and going to war for them when their in a crapload of trouble.

    *Whether they ask for it or not* =P

  4. It would be very "Day of the Triffids", sounds a very nice gesture only the thing in Australia we have very strict quarantine laws on whatever comes into our country.

    So it would be seen as a national threat to country and damage our eco system. As foreign flowers have bugs or pollens which are foreign to our fauna and floria if they were dropped across our country without being fully quarantined could cause severe damage to crops, insects and animals.

    This may be the reason why no other country would drop their flowers or floria on another country. Maybe written messages would be better.

  5. we should

  6. Because you don't love other countries and bomber fuel is expen$ive.

  7. You can't eat flowers, but the United States sends more flour, among other aid, to less prosperous nations than any other world power.

  8. Infringement on their airspace. FedEx them instead.

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