
Why don't we go back to recyclable and renewable resources?

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Why use thousands of plastic bags annually when paper bags or cloth totes can be used instead?




  1. Time. It's quicker to produce and even cheaper to produce the 'harmful unkind' materials.

  2. Price and convince are the main cause BUT if you and all of your friends ask for paper or better yet use cloth bags you can start a trend towards conservation in your neighborhood

  3. Part of it is the greater convenience. Having to bring your own shopping bag requires you to plan ahead and carry it in with you and make sure it doesn't have holes in it and so on. Sometimes you may buy a lot more than you planned so even if you brought a bag you'd still need a disposable bag for the rest of your purchases.

    Part of it is cultural. My ex-wife once went shopping with a bag she'd brought in with her, that's common in South America. When the clerk saw her putting things into a bag that wasn't the store's she accused her of shoplifting. The police did understand the difference but we still stopped shopping that way.

    Instead I now just re-use plastic bags, we have a decorative holder and when we empty them they go into the holder. Whenever we need a bag we use those and it's amazing how often you do need a small plastic bag with  built-in handles.

    For some stores, like Best Buy, I often take one of their bags in with me or don't get a bag at all. That's harder to do with groceries, easy to do with electronics, some hardware purchases at Lowe's and other stores. Since we do most of our shopping at Costco it's a moot point since they don't use bags at all, just the boxes the vendors shipped the merchandise in.

  4. in europe they charge you extra for the bags if you dont bring your own, they should start doing that in the states too.  I bought a couple cloth bags at the local chain store, and they give me a nickel off everytime I use them, they have paid for themselves already.  Its not asking too much to throw them into the car before I go shopping, and if it cost a quarter a plastic bag maybe it would help peoples memories.  Put them in the cart with your stuff, and hand them over at the counter and they will fill them up for you.  Pretty easy.

  5. its up to the individual you must look at the product you are purchasing look for recycled items or items that have a large recycled amount in them.Paper towel toilet paper napkins box board products .If you support the recycled industry than it Will flourish.Its up to you to refuse plastic bags and take your own to the store,The country of Tibet has outlawed the us of plastic bags and more countries are looking at doing the same.

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