
Why don't we have Noble Prize for mathematics?

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Why don't we have Noble Prize for mathematics?




  1. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist, "invented" the prizes named after him. He chose the categories and didn't deem math as worthy of an individual award. Of course, other categories that *do* have prizes (like Physics, for example) do require a lot of math.  

  2. Haha it's unfair isn't it? Life's like that...

    However, to answer your question, the most common belief is that Alfred Nobel's wife cheated on him with another great mathematician Gosta Mittag-Leffler OR Alfred Nobel got rejected because of Gosta Mittag-Leffler .

    The more possible scenario is the latter; for Mr Nobel was never married. =P

    *this is so as many claims*

    less on scandals...

    There was already well-known prize for mathematicians at that time (Scandinavian prize for mathematicians) thus he might have felt less compelled to add another prize for mathematician

  3. Nobel did 'nt want a Nobel price for mathematics

    A joke runs saying that his wife had an affair with a colleague mathematician.

    The Award Fields medal is considered as Nobel price in mathematics

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