
Why don't we have a Bear Baiting section on Y.A ?

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It's bound to be more popular than Bullfighting.

Theres never anyone on Bullfighting.

Which is also just as illegal.

( just to pre- emt the "because its illegal" trolls.




  1. Question is in the wrong category. There is a difference between hunting and fishing.

    Keep the anti`s and troll in there categories.and ask a legitimate question in the right category.

    Please don`t cause strife, and allow us to answer legit questions . the object is to help not hurt or confuse.

    Iam really good at bear baiting if you need a question answered on this put it in the hunting caregory and i will answer it.

    thank you.

  2. A good idea! I think we should have a "religious nutters baiting" section as well. There are a few of those on here, why not formalise it?

  3. Good point!

    i think it's because YA was intended to be a worldwide phenomenon (including those where bullfighting is as legitimate an activity as hunting/fishing), when in fact it seems to be mostly UK people.

    Personally, I consider the killing of any animal in the name of "sport" or "recreation" to be equal, so bullfighting, bear baiting, or hunting and fishing all fall into the same category.  Maybe they should merge the lot into a "killing for kicks" category, and leave it at that.

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