
Why don't we have cars run on some other type of fule like hydrogen or electricity?

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that we can afford




  1. "that we can afford"

    If money is all you car about, why not just stick with gasoline?

  2. Primarily because oil is actually cheap compared to the alternatives.  And electric cars merely move the burning of fossil fuel from your engine compartment to the local power plant.  Some people don't even realize the latter detail.

  3. Why should we... Nature has a CO2 recycled system ,it is called plants, and that means all plants. The Global Warming ,propagated by Gore is a lie . It is simple just look around us at nature. The true answer is there.

  4. We do have them. Their not affordable because of the technology that's in most of them.

  5. There are plenty of examples of such cars on the roads today.

    As for affordability; all new technology is very expensive when it first comes out. As the bugs are worked out and the technology becomes more popular, the price drops to the point the average consumer can easily afford it. In 10 years or so more cars will be powered by alternative fuel than not, and gasoline-powered vehicles will eventually become a thing of the past.

  6. we do have cars that are electric? or 1/2 electric. here in the u.s oil is pretty much the biggest demand. so why would they create something that would make them lose out on money. stock markets would crash, many people would be a** out of a job.

  7. There are electric vehicles which are affordable.  For example, the ZAP Xebra:

    And there are lots of electric mopeds and motorcycles as well:

    And a number of long-range highway speed electric cars to come out in the next year or two:

    And of course there are gas/electric hybrids.  Generally speaking, electric vehicles are more expensive because it's a new technology.  The batteries aren't produced on a very large scale, so they cost more.  That's the case with any new technology, and the more people buy it, the more the price will go down.

    Hydrogen is not a vialble alternative in the near future though.  We don't have a good source of hydrogen gas, nor do we have the transportation and storage infrastructure even if we had a source of hydrogen.  Electric cars don't have that problem, because the power grid is already in place everywhere.


  9. they r not cost effictive....gas/diesel is still best low cost fuel...when fuel gets to 8 to 12 dollars a gallon you will see some action

  10. we do..what age are you stuck in?

  11. Because Al Gore and his global warming buddies think ethanol is the cure for everything. Just go to and enter the awful truth about ethanol. It's really bad. It's all a part of Gore and his One World Order buddies, trying to control everything about us.

  12. we have the other types car that do not run petrol. The price o to expensive that makes the green car is less popular

  13. they have both out on the roads now.

  14. We do.

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