
Why don't we have many kids?

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Why do caucasions or people from western worlds have very little children like 1 or 2, whereas people form asia and africa have plenty of children?




  1. Its about culture. Culture in western soceity is to have about 3 kids. Also birth control is easier to get.

    But not everyone follows this because its not a law its just what people decieded was normal or average. It is the law in China however to have one child so they should have half the population then they did a gerneration ago.

  2. It's called birth control.

  3. I'm a lady with no kids but it's not by choice.It's just a matter of calling.

  4. The wealthier Western nations have developed economic systems that allow saving for retirement.  In less developed economies, many children are required to support the parents when they can no longer work.  China of course is the major modern exception in having banned multiple children.  It is hard to force such a cultural change on a population, but many things are changing there as the economy develops.

  5. Climatic condition and procreation process are related. A country with more period of winter and snow will be less populated. In hot countries more fertilisation and more delivery will increase the number of individuals.  May be this the reason                U.K.Atiyodi, Kandangali, Payyanur

  6. Actually, it's pretty much the same al over. Maybe some people just dont want to have too many children because they cant take care of them. Can whats up with you thinking only 'caucasions' like in the Western side of the world? Eh? BTW, Some Asian countries limit the number of children a couple is aloud to have.


  7. too obsessed with their work-lives

  8. When this country was young, large families were a necessity.  Most of Americans farmed large parcels of property.  They needed their children to help out  because there was so much work to be done.  As industry began to develop, the farming industry diminished.  There were stores where you bought groceries.  Farming became commercialized, and there was less and less need for so many to farm their own land.  So the need for big families diminished as well.  Big families were as many as thirteen or more!  "Cheaper By the Dozen"!

    Now very few farm their land, with livestock either.  There is still grazing land for cattle in the midwest. But even this is being developed into commercialized property.  This is why there are fewer large families in this country.  A family of six is almost unheard of today.  (This is my family!)

    I wonder what tomorrow will look like!

  9. Birth control is readily available in the western world.

    Medical care in the western world is much better.  Even if a couple only has one or two children, it is very likely that those children will live to be adults.  In other parts of the world, this is not true.  A mother in Africa might have 10 children, and it is likely that many of them will die before adulthood, and none of them will probably live to see their 40th birthday.

    The western world depends on automobiles for daily life.  If you have more than 2-3 children, it is hard to get the entire family in the car.

    Most houses in the western world have 3 bedrooms.  If you have more than 2 kids, they will have to share a bedroom.  That always causes conflict because most kids want their own bedroom.

  10. we don't need many. Besides, it cost money to take care of babies.

    some people have no sense of birth control or how to feed and clothe many mouths.

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