
Why don't we have more Congressmen?

by Guest33754  |  earlier

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It is tough right now for Congressmen to be held accountable because they simply are not accessible by their constituents. If we at least doubled the number, wouldn't our House of Representatives be more effective and actually represent the views of the people?




  1. I think it would only add to the confusion that already exists.There should be term limits on every official.

  2. Most all of them have a website. We really do not need any more. there is already to many chief's and not enough Indians now.

  3. The last thing we need is more government.

  4. Oh my that would be scary indeed. We can't afford more congressmen. They do enough damage with the members we currently have. The secret is to become a large donor, that is the only thing that gets their attention.

  5. I think 435 is enough.  Granted, they may not be terribly accessible, but mine will respond once in while when written to.  Though the premise of your thoughts isn't bad.  If we were to elect or representatives (and all the rest) through publicly financed elections it might be okay to increase the number.

  6. Just what we need, more government employed dead wood.

  7. More congressmen = more pork. That's about all.

  8. The reason they are not accessible to you and me is because they are to busy pandering to money and power. More congressmen wouldn't change that. Less lobbyist might, though.

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