
Why don't we have the same time zone as the rest of Europe?

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Makes sense i hate going to France and i get confused




  1. There are essentially 24 time zones in the world, across  it is 360 degrees around the planet. Parochial USA, there are many people who find it inconvenient that we have a different time from them.

    Portugal tried to have the central European time once ( !+ hour GMT) but found that it  was dark in the morning in the summer and hot and sunny at night time. In Spain, this still is the case, especially in the west, because they are in the 'wrong' time zone.

    Central European time covers a very wide space- from Spain to Hungary,  the sun will appear in quite different parts of the sky at the same time.

  2. Well, we're further West than most of Europe, so our times of daylight are slightly later.

    And not all other European countries have the same time: Portugal shares our UK timezone, and many Eastern European countries (Ukraine, Romania, etc.) are 2 hours ahead.

  3. Because the Earth is round and everyone's day and night time is different

  4. because you are different in everything...

  5. Portugal has the same time zone as Britain and they are in Europe, so your question is not accurate.

    If adding one hour confuses you then you perhaps best stay at home anyway as how on earth will you handle the different languages and money?

    EDIT - Well for someone who claims not be done, you command of geograhical terms is impressive. So to keep it in your terms, as parts of Britain is very much above France then there are differing issues for those living in the real upper parts (North to the rest of us). This in itself brings differing issues and indeed the changing of the GMT and summer time effects those in the north as it is. This and the combination of the fact that Britain lies a lot furher West, or should I say to the left side, than peope realise then the time zone it is in works quite well. The country is canted on an angle, sorry slanty ways.

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