
Why don't we have tornadoes in NYC?

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  1. NYC has tornados and its possible to have anoughter one any time. there has been many  i will list some

    1.Aug. 8 2007 hit brookeland EF2 on the scale strongest tornado in NYC history.

    2. Oct. 27 2003 F0 hit Staten island

    3. Oct. 28 1995 F1 hit Staten island

    4. Aug. 10 1990 F0 hit Staten island

    5. Sept. 2  1974 F1 hit Westchester and went into Bronto

  2. We do it is just u don't notice them because they are small ones...

    Also, we don't because it is a major city and tornadoes don't usually form by us so it does not hit us...

    Hope this helps...

  3. Yes, you had one hit this year.

    EDIT... sorry it hit Brooklyn in August of 2007.

    EDIT... Don't listen to what the people ahead of me said. Tornados can happen just about anywhere. Some place are more prone to them. As for big cities, lol that makes no diffrence.

  4. You can have tornadoes in NYC. Tornadoes can hit every state in the union.  NYC usually does not get them because its near the coast and out of the path of the colliding air masses that cause them.   Most tornadoes hit the interior part of the US where the warm moist gulf air hits the cold dry Canadian air.  This causes instability or "churning" in the a result you get thunder storms, lightning and sometimes tornadoes.

  5. Well, tornadoes move more easily on flat ground, and New York is in a hilly area.

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