
Why don't we just each state decide its own rules about abortion?

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What need is there for the federal government to interfere? Most pro-life advocates I have interacted with have called abortion an act of "murder". However, The federal government does not deal with murder, states do. Each state has its own definition of murder, and each state has its own way of dealing with murder. If abortion is truly murder, then it should also be dealt with by the states, not the federal government. I don't see a need for a constitutional amendment on this issue, and I don't see why the presidents position on abortion matters either. Clearly, it is a state issue.




  1. Actually, that's what McCain wants, just so you know.

    Although I'm voting for McCain, I have to disagree.  Abortion is a human rights issue.  Babies are humans and they have rights.  Abortion should be banned.  Period.

  2. No, clearly it is a personal issue.  States have no capability of being pregnant, so they have no choice one way or the other.  

  3. Sorry.

    This issue's above my pay grade.

  4. The courts decided the issue.  This is not uncommon.  Presumably a the legislature can create laws that work around Roe or rendered if void if they wanted...they don't want to do it.  I think trying to legislate it on a state by state basis will simply create chaos.

  5. You can be charged with murder by the federal government. the problem is while some states will illegalize it, the majority won't and people will just go to those states. Then you clog the court system up with said states actually prosecuting women for it.

  6. Lets bring abortion along with education and drug laws to the state level.  

  7. because if we did then young poor women might have to bankrupt themselves getting to a faraway state where abortion is legal; better that we continue abstinence education and stress personal responsibility in life in general, and provide low-cost care if there are complications in  the pregnancy.

  8. From what I understand, Roe V Wade gave that issue back to the states and local regulations.

    I could be wrong.




  9. i don't think this issue will ever be solved.

  10. Each state should not make it's own rules about abortion. It should be legal in every state. It is not fair that a woman should have to travel insane amount of miles to travel to get herself an abortion just because the religious right and pro-life wackos made it illegal in her state.

    Making abortion illegal in ANY state bring so many problems, just because it's illegal it doesn't stop woman from getting them. It does make it become unsafe. Woman will get them illegally and risk themselves in unsanitary conditions just to get them if they can not afford to travel. Therefore risking their own life as well.

    Pro-life hypocrisy drives me crazy

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