
Why don't we keep it nice and simple, unless you can prove it is human, we classify it an ape.?

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Icabodwa You've went from the ridiculous to the sublime, and now you have gone back to the ridiculous with your fish statement.




  1. In reference to fossil species of human antecedents, I can sort of see your point.  The morphological differences between many of these species would not be enough to classify them as different 'species' as zoologists classify living species.

    However, categorising them into named types is an aid to analysis.  It is a basic form of classification, but it helps highlight the similarities and differences.  

    Keeping things nice and simple is not the way that scientific research is done.

  2. You're proposing an odd method of reduction here. Human ancestors (which is what I'm assuming you're talking about here) aren't given all those different names just for the sake of making things complicated. By the same token we shouldn't toss out all those names just for the sake of making things simple. The system is the way it is for a good little group of reasons.

    EDIT: Then it sounds like you haven't heard any reasons at all. I sure as h**l don't see any good reasons to toss the system out and go ape/human or nothing. That makes no sense at all, considering the fossil record.

    EDIT 2: What fossil record? Quit wasing our time, if you can't even crack a book on the subject you're whining about.

  3. Too often the evolutionary route isn't simple. It's known that several species of hominids lived at the same time. Each had unique characteristics and it's sometimes difficult to track the route that lead to us.

    Question: How would you "prove it is human?" Then, how many would agree with your standards? That's what makes science. People collect facts, develop explanations then defend them when questions are asked. If shown to be wrong, then the explaination must be discarded or changed.

    Logically, based on your system, a fish is an ape. Certainly a fish cannot be proved human therefore "we classify it an ape."

    Were the question: "What makes up a human and how do we differ from apes?" I'm sure there'd be a great range of answers and none would be the same.

  4. Humans are selfish.

    Ohhh, we're waaaay too important to test on ourselves so we grab apes and rats who are 96% composed of our own DNA, kill them so we can run our experiments to save a race of people that are the most destructive.

    Then we have the gual to say killing such animals is not immoral but it is immoral to use our own bodies in pushing stem cell research, so that we can for ONCE put ourselves out there instead of exploiting someone or something else for our own survival or success.


    Not only that expat, but humans themselves, have differences between races of about .1% so is that .1% enough to say only one of the races is human? It's all just relative.

  5. Science does not " prove " things, but becomes convinced by the evidence. I think knee joints are quite convincing; more so than even brain size.

    Please do not waste my time and yours by e-mailing me, as I will just delete it.

  6. The catholics read the Vaticanus, not the true version, inside the Vatican they read the Vulgate bible, sworn by the Pope as the definitive word of God. which is Aryan, yet there are no documents known of the Aryans! why? because they were all stolen in the Catholic wars with them and in the achieves away from public view.(like another 100,,000 other ones also)

    (Only the evil keeps the light from the people!!!)

    Seeker of the truth here it is below:

    Adam and Eve s not a true story and been distorted in the bible.

    Search the "Anunnaki" those who from heaven came and created the "Adamu" earthling in Hebrew.

    The Anunnaki females got fed up with breeding the clones, so they decided to give the clones the genes to reproduce(the knowledge of the garden of Eden), when they became to many and rebelled, the anunnaki broke off an ice slab 300k wide, caused a Tsunami and flooded the earth to destroy them(hence the Dead sea was caused-over the mountains thats evaporated) (Zissudra (Enki) son of Anu-known as Noah) took his creation of the clones into the arc) its all in the Sumerian tablets written in cuniform, 2500BC found in Ashurbanipal's (550bc) palace in 1945, read "the lost book of enki" for the full translation of the tablets. also look up Zecharia Sitchin he studied the subject for70 years. the government and church's don't want you to know the truth of creationism, thats why they don't teach it because it undermines their autonomy! also read the Nag Hammadi manuscript found in 1952 ( supposedly the actual words of christ, written and hidden by a priest in AD 22 ;) strangely the section called "the origin of creation" is missing" ?? ! I wonder why ! Enlil the other son slept with two of the clones, they had children called Adepa and Titu whio married (as half brother and sisters did then to keep the heirs line) the children they had were called Cain and Abel!!!!!!!!

    You have to go back as far as you can to get the actual facts , not the distorted ones they indoctrinate us with through, cultural myth and religious dogma.

    now read the other posts and observe how they also bought into that BS as "the truth" when it isn't...sad, seriously sad indoctrinated robots. Seek and ye shall find ;)

    Ask you self these 3 questions:

    1. If we came here of our own volition, we would be more advanced than we are!

    2. If we were brought here, then why are there different races.

    3. We were cloned, given there are no paleontological (Bones) records of homos erectus before 120k ago.

    I choose 3 and the evidence that stacks up 100% is there

  7. look, pal. on this planet, it is organic or inorganic. from those two groups, we sub-divide into animal, vegetable or mineral. well, since most of us aren't pieces of celery or chunks of iron, i'd say everything else would be animal. it is you who makes things difficult so lighten up, smell the roses and have another cup of coffee!

  8. I discovered the missing link many years ago life can not create itself so there must have been a creater so the

    missing link is God.

    I only wish to ask and answer questions I don't have time to

    read and answer a bunch of emails, and thumbs down don't bother me.The only thumb down I worry about is the final

    one given on judgement day.

  9. I'm almost with jonmcn49 on this one, exept I prefer a bit of t*t to brain anyday.

  10. How can you prove it "human"? What  criteria would You use to differentiate an ape from a human?

    Ape and human DNA is fundamentally the same; we differ from apes genetically by only 500 genes.we share more physical and social traits than we differ.

    I doubt your "method",whatever it is, if you actually have one  could really hold up, even if you had a real scientific system to define it.


  12. I know a lot of 'humans ' who could be classified as 'ape' .

    Not too sure JB but the Bonobo seem to have a great time with each other. No restrictions regarding sexual relations. Very friendly bunch,  would not mind being part of that lot.

  13. I do keep it nice and simple...I'm just not as hairy as an ape.

  14. Hominids are classified by exactly the same methodology that all species are classified by.

    Don't email me.

  15. Sounds like a good idea (mind you, that's what they're supposed to be doing already)?.  Providing, also, that, when you say that 'missing links' were never missing, you mean that they've never existed, then I'm with you 100%


    Fair enough J B.

    *Dr Lifemaker*.

    I have a very dear friend in the States, who is, or was, a friend of 'Sitchen' (I don't think he (Sitchen) has completed the translation yet?).  Mr friend is called 'Lloyd Pye', and amongst the books he has written, there's one that would be of great interest to you, it is his, "Everything You Know is Wrong".  Just type in "Lloyd Pye" or "The Starchild Project" (the later book being ongoing research into the origin of a strange, possibly alien, skull, of which I myself am involved with and am mentioned several times, but, naturally, not as "Truth Seeker". (Sorry for the little intrigue, but its the nature of these pages!)).

  16. If you were smart enough you will know we are apes. Humans, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Gorillas are apes and not monkey which are smaller and have tails. Were not some special animal just that we can walk upright and talk direct but all apes have culture not meaning we all listen to music religion etc but we all pass things down to our offspring which us Humans mastered the best at and added alot of other aspects to its not just survivle but lifestyle understanding which made us think we are soo different today. You can do alot with language.

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