
Why don't we make gasoline from coal???

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During the 2nd world war, Germany made all of the gasoline for their war machine with coal.

We have a lot of coal and I know there are a couple coal to gasoline plants operating in Africa and we had a few experimental ones running into the 80's.

I read somewhere that with the low oil prices at the time it wouldn't be profitable to make gasoline from coal at those prices.

Just wondering if it would be profitable at current oil prices.




  1. The thing that need to be done is to stop spending the peoples' money to fix potholes and add freeway lanes and provide ALL of the people with affordable, convenient, and CLEAN public transit.

    When that is done, we won't need to run riot over the Earth and turn ANYTHING into infernal combustion fuel.

  2. Germany did not make all of their gasoline from coal in WWII, but they did make a significant amount.  And yes, South Africa continued to develop the process for many years and still operates some coal liquefaction plants, but mostly to make petrochemical feed stocks.

    The U.S. Air Force is currently looking to build a plant of this type to make jet fuel from coal, mostly as a matter of fuel security.  When the prospect becomes economically feasible I'm sure private companies will at least try to develop these plants, but they will probably have a long fight with the Neo-Luddites to get the necessary permits.

  3. We can create more power from coal by simply burning it than converying it to gasoline and using the gas.

    Also, coal is essential to our electrical infrastructure.

    Coal gassification would be robbing Peter (power plants) to pay Paul (cars).

    Either way, it's a fossil fuel, and there's a finite source of fossil fuels.

  4. While producing gasoline from coal is possible, the question is really 'at what cost'?!!!

    In order to convert the coal into gasoline, requires much more energy than converting crude oil, and there is a tremendous amount of waste in the process!

    I personally believe that any nation's coal reserves(or any other resources) should be used to their maximum benefit for their own people.

    This is not the case today however. Far too many people believe that mankind can impact the environment on a 'Global Scale'!

    This is not only 'non-scientific', but shows how arrogant man really is.

  5. 1: Germany did not make ALL their gasoline from coal since they controlled the ploesti oil fields until late in the war. they did however make much of their gasoline from coal.

    2: coal liquification is fairly expensive, and a rather dirty process, and thus not very friendly to the environment.

    3: as for profitability, that will depend on how much it costs to make gasoline, how much to buy the coal, etc.

  6. Sounds like a possibility as I don't trust the Arabs.

  7. I have heard that it takes tremendous resources to  make fuel that way, including a lot of water. Probably be cheaper, but much worse for the environment.

  8. i believe the south african plants (installed because of the trade sanctions during apartheid) needed gov. support for decades, but go into profit when the price of oil goes above $50 per barrel. its $100 now and likely to stay well up.

  9. coal is a fossol fuil also,,its one of the things we must get away from using....we only have one out ,,its for our government to stop dealing with opec...between Texas and Alaska we have a 200 yr supply of oil under our own country...but we must stop using it altogether...the only way that will happen with the oil mungers in office is if they would open our wells for our use that would bring the cost of gas down to around $ 1.50 a gal.not olny would that create jobes

    and help the econome,,they would have to put a 50 yr moratorium on gas ,,,no more gas for sale at the end of the 50 yrs with the tec. we have today surly we can over come this small part of the trouble in the usa today.

    go Green / think Lean / and stand up for what you mean!!!

  10. Due to inflation, prices still need to go up more.   In the 80's it might have been profitable at $50/barrel.   Now prices need to be closer to $200/barrel or they'd be doing it.    There are a few demonstration facilities being built so they can have all the bugs worked out by the time it does become cost competitive.    I own 520 shares of coal stock and am just waiting for the day it becomes profitable so I can retire.

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