
Why don't we make it the exact same time all over the world?

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Maybe life would be easyer for people who enjoy travelling, Soo they can go over night , sleep on the plaine and it's daytime over there.




  1. congratulations for the most wasted 5 pts for the day .honestly think about it for five mins why not that could happen

  2. But it wouldn't be daytime, Say you leave here at noon on a 7 hour flight to london, you'd get there at 7 pm however it would be pitch black as nighttime becauyse really it would be midnight.  Therefore in some places half (if not all) of your day would be dark.  So even if it was the same time, they'd likely adjust their schedules so everything was just open over "night" instead of during the "day" (when its dark) either way you'd be dealing with jet lag.   There are ways to do what you say,  Let's say I leave Toronto airport for London, england.  I can leave at 8pm Toronto time, sleep overnight on the plane and would arrive at 8am London, England Time.  Or you can do the opposite, leave early int he morning, by the time you arrive you'll be ready for bed and the changes won't feel so bad.

  3. and which time would that be?  should we have a vote?  why don't we just stop the earth from spinning?

  4. What about all the people who don't travel? The world would not function if it was the same time everywhere. Plus when you went from one place to another, you would have to learn the associations of each time. Everywhere 12pm to 2pm is right in the middle of the day, however if time was the same, in one place it could mean late evening and another it could be the middle of the night.

    Travelers would be way more confused by that.

  5. exciting idea

  6. well then if its dark over her its sunny over there people will sleep at daylight which makes it harder

  7. Nickii M took the words rite out of my mouth

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