
Why don't we see Hillary Clinton on the news banging the drum for Senator Obama?

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Could there be an ambush planned at the national convention or is she not sold on her fellow Democrat or is she holding out for the VP nod hmmm?




  1. Cuz she's a self-centered *****.

  2. The Clintons are a bunch of back stabbing phonies.  They can never be trusted.  Many people say nasty things about Republicans true some such as Newt Gingrich have been a bit "too macho" for some but Republicans are true to their word.  "If they do not like you,then you know it and they will definitely show it."  Unlike our PHONY and hate mongering democrats.  Let's be honest, Obama has bent over backwards for the Clintons and their wild L*****n, feminist, and nut job supporters.  But time and time again the Clintons have used the race card, the sexist card, and now the "phony card" all which are divisive in order to win.  Obama is not perfect but still he deserves better than the low down sh*tty politics of the Clintons.  After all the Clintons make the Republicans looks like Angels.  

    At any rate this is all going to cause John McCain to win.  I wonder how well the Clinton nut jobs will look if Obama lost the election due to their back stabbing and should I say "undemocratic" techniques???

  3. I honestly believe that the Democratic party is going to boot Obama at the convention and put the Billary duo back on the ticket!

  4. because she's bitter and is too busy clinging to her gun and bible.

    Obama 08

  5. She doesn't want Obama to win. She will try something sneaky at the convention. If that doesn't work, she'll fund groups to make Obama lose so she can run 2012.

  6. she is still in the race herself.

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