
Why don't we see the "Israeli" Occupation Forces (IOF) engage Hamas freedom fighters directly?

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Why won't the IOF engage the Hamas freedom fighters in a ground fight? Instead the Jews just fire from the air with American helicopters & airplanes and kill innocent Palestinian civilians and tag them "terrorist". Why won't they stop killing innocent Palestinians?




  1. Hamas shoot at infidel Jews, then hide under umm's skirts, stand behind jaddah's body, hold up baby in left  hand, gun in right. Then Sister Crystal Clear come back here and say Jews attacking innocents.  Imam so embarassed again.

  2. All the time the Israeli army engages Hamas on the ground. Recently troops and tanks were sent into gaza.

  3. Cowardice. Jews don't believe in an afterlife.

  4. They are cowards. They kill because they enjoy it and because they imagine they are wreaking vengeance for the holocaust. They can get away with it solely because of U.S. support which is morally blind and unrestrained.

  5. A couple of years ago, in a bloody invasion of Gaza, the Israeli Army did directly engage Hamas fighters. I assure you, the more recent air raids have been far more humane than that invasion!

  6. Calling a Hamas terrorist a 'freedom fighter' is like calling a drug dealer a 'freelance pharmacist.'

    Those 'freedom fighters' don't want you to see that they use children as shields so Israeli soldiers can't get around to them. (How brave they are, right?.) Those 'freedom fighters' don't engage in conventional warfare. They prefer to teach their children the importance of blowing Israelis up and watch from their houses.

    The IDF stands in front of our Israeli children, to defend them. The 'freedom fighters' stand behind their children - so they can defend themselves.

    Should you ever visit Hamas strongholds, you would be shocked at how profoundly wrong your entire system of thought on this subject is. Even more so if you decided to write the truth about what happens in Gaza and the West Bank - I have escorted Arab Muslim journalists out of Gaza because Hamas attempted to assassinate them, if they wrote of what really happened. Until you do visit, Crystal Clear, your opinion on the subject is worth nothing, because it is formed off of propaganda websites and engineered photographs.

  7. Because Hamas militants are capable fighters and they are dfeending their homeland,not a pack of over-cooked publicity-gimmick lies. besides the izzies are cowards; they like to shoot people down from Apache helicopters with Hellfire missiles.

  8. Israel does enter ground fights at times using Israeli commandos, but usualy there is no need for that since technology allows targeting certain targets without the need to risk the lives of others with bullets hitting the wrong person.  

    This is the 21st century,  something Hamas dousnt understand. The laws of combat change.

    Anyways maybe you should ask hamas why they shoot homemade rockets into Israel blowing up schools, hospitals and playgrounds.

    After all most of the people killed by those rockets have been the elderly and sick those who cannot move or move fast enough away from the rockets and children who don't know what is happening.

    Maybe Hamas hates children, elderly and the sick, a morbid fetish perhaps, since they are scared of healthy men.

  9. Ha Ha Ha

    What a naive point of view.

    Freedom fighters ....I think you mean terrorists who hide behind women and children to attack jewish women and children.

    Why are muslims so short sighted and cannot see what their ''freedom fighters'' are doing? Is it because they are killing jews? It sounds like good old fashioned anti-jewish bigotry to me.

    You are so transparent and possibly naive ...........HahaHa.

  10. Crystal clear,

    Because Israel does not ground fight with terrorists, only with a legitimate army.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  11. They will and thanks to U.S. armor and firepower they will defeat resistance. But sooner or later the Palestinians will engage in a full-scale revolution against the world's most brutal colonial authority,and they will win in the final end.

  12. Because they vicious psychopaths,and such life forms - they cannot be called human - only prey on those who are weaker and therefore vulnerable. What passes for human among zionists would be comparable to a serial killer in any civilized country.

  13. they are trying to avoid the death among Arab civilians, but they will engage in a ground operation eventually. There is no way around it.

    HamAss freedom fighters? Freedom to murder you mean?

    HamAss is a bunch of murderers and thugs. I hope they get a hold of power in the Judea and Samaria too, so that Israel has no other choice but to exterminate them.

  14. hamas recently announced they will start using hot air balloons to attack israel from the air to make it fair fight.

  15. Last time the Israelis did that was in Lebanon, were they fought the  Hezbollah's mercenaries,  and at that war 2017 Hezbollah's were killed to 82 Israeli soldiers that were killed.

    24.5 to 1.

  16. I don't think "Hamas" are "freedom fighters" or that "innocent civilians" are called terrorists.  "Palestinian" leaders who want freedom call for an end to fighting and for negotiations that will lead to a state.  "Hamas" fights to avoid freedom.  Had the "Palestinians" not elected "Hamas", who refuses to negotiate for a two-state solution with freedom for the Palestinian Arabs, they could have had a state in the West Bank and Gaza by now.

    "Hamas" is afraid to engage Israeli forces directly because in addition to being cowards who prefer the terrorism of homicide bombers directed to kill innocent Israeli children, they know they do not have the power to attack the Israeli army directly without being slaughtered like the pigs they are.  Simply put, they are rightly scared to do so.   They say "we love death more than Israelis love life", but they lie.  They love life for themselves and only want the children they teach to don explosive vests to love death.

    Israel will never deliberately kill an innocent "Palestinian".  While the "Hamas" terrorists hide behind civilians as they launch rockets, civilians will be caught in the cross-fire on the occasions that Israel chooses to retaliate despite the possibility of civilian casualties.  There are many more occasions that Israel lets the terrorists who murder her children live, in order to avoid the "collateral damage" of possiblly killing innocent civilians.

  17. Because that would be the equivalent of the Marines attacking the Canadian Government because they wanted to increase Wellfare for their senior citizens and they also wanted to increase education...Hamas is the government of Palestine. They arent bad, if anything they are fighing for a fantastic cause: to get their country back...

    What the Israelis did to the Palestinians is the equivalent of Mexicans taking over the US and kicking everyone out and killing any american they want for no apperant reason and then moving all the mexicans into the US and sending all the ex-US citizens to refugee camps in the worst parts of Mexico.

  18. They fire from the air to minimize their losses, it's the logical thing to do. Every side does whatever it can to win, if Hamas had American helicopters & airplanes they would use them too.

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