
Why don't we stop buying gas for a year?

by Guest59978  |  earlier

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Park your car for a year.




  1. That'd be hella hard.

  2. I truly wish I could, but I live in the boonies where we have no public transportation and I need to get to work.  All I can do is cut down on my liesurelly traveling and hope that it makes an impact.

  3. Gas is only $4 a gallon..Does everyone in here work for minimum wage?If you can't afford gas park your car.

  4. That is not an option.How are utilities where you are? I am more concerned with that.Propane has gone up right along with the gas,just to give you an idea August 2007 $183. Jan.2008 $291 May 2008  $340 for 100 gallons which with hot water,cooking,heat will last at most 6 weeks.That is what we are looking at,but all anyone talks about is gasoline,I can conserve and stretch my gas but I can not make my home propane go further than it will.Yes I know its getting hot now but at these prices we will have to start saving now just to get the next winter supply and hope it stops someplace that's still affordable.Or is this just in my part of the country?I wish for some anwers and like everyone else I have none.

  5. start.

  6. I wish I could, I really do.  I live in an area with lousy public transportation and in the summer, it is too hot to safely walk or bike for more than a mile.  I really wish I could boycott though, gets me mad.


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