
Why don't we take the risk?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sitting on the fence of my own thoughts. Wondering why I don't take the plunge to discover the new things on the other side. Why can't I just let go and slip into a state of consciousness that allows beautiful things to happen. Am I afraid of failure, rejection, or maybe just the taste of something new. I want to experience a world where there are no boundaries and flaws. Where I can shed my gray skin, and show my true colors.

So why don't I just take the risk?




  1. What in the world does this have to do with singles and dating?

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  2. You said it! I am on the exact same page! It could be a fear of failure, a fear of embarrassing yourself. It could be a fear of finding something better when you're happy or just fine with what you have now. It could be a fear of change or it could be that you're afraid that if you take a risk that you'll realize that you're not as happy as you thought you were before you took the risk. Maybe you're afraid that your life will change.

  3. because you are afraid to take a are scared to know what people will truly think about you

  4. to take off your "shield" you leave yourself open and very easily in the way of getting hurt. but what is life if sometimes you don't live it. feelings are something everybody has and we all get hurt and thats the beauty of it all cause we can always come back. so take small risk and move up from there

  5. I understand exactly where you are coming from but if you don't do anything different, nothing different will happen. Don't let life pass you by because of fear. I am trying to take little steps to overcome my fears as well. Take one step at a time. The comfort zone is never really any fun at all because eventually you'll end up in that zone all alone while everyone else has moved ahead. It's fun being alone sometimes but not being left behind all the time.

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