Is it just me, or would this make a lot of sense?
The government already owns the land, and could give the right to install wind farms to companies for free (much like they did when building transcontinental railroads).
Why not just put up wind turbines in the medians of interstate highways? The land is already environmentally damaged from road construction, anyway. If we just put up one wind turbine every 264 feet (twenty per mile), there wouldn't there be plenty of companies just lining up take advantage of this?
The environmental casualties of windfarms would be almost meaningless here: they can pollute a bit (just like the cars driving by them), they make noise (just like cars), they s***w up the environment for birds (think of all the chemicals we'll save from not having to clean so much bird poo off your windshield!), etc., etc., etc.
What would be the argument against this, and why aren't we doing this already?