
Why don't we use hydrogen cars yet?

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Why don't we use hydrogen cars yet?




  1. Hydrogen is just an extremely clever scam. Don't believe the hype. Wake up people!

  2. well electric cars are better than hydrogen because every where we go is a electric plug to use. Hydrogen could be used if we have a home refueling station that uses wind or solar to run an electrolysis and convert water to hydrogen oxygen. Electrolysis s is easy to make  but i am not sure what storage tank needs to be used. And why we dint use them? hmm could it be the trillions to be made on oil.

  3. because people think they will explode when the back into a light pole and it is very expensive to produce a fuel cell at this time.

  4. Because they are to expensive & they don't have all the bugs worked out of them yet.

  5. becouse it cost millions and its not fully tested

  6. even if we started today with a crash program to put hydrogen cars on the road 20 years from now over 50% of the cars would still not be hydrogen powered.

    people would not be able to afford them.

    plus there it would take that long before there were enough filling stations for everyone to drive anywhere in the country and still FIND fuel.

    all this is IF we had a way to make the fuel with out any major problems.

    with the economy the way it is now no way will this happen.

    the last thing anyone trying to make home payments to keep there home is going to do is buy a new hydrogen car.

    the first thing the government will have to do is revilitize the US.

    that means bring the good jobs back to the US get rid of the illegals.

    no one that does not have a good job is going to run out and buy a hydrogen car.

    and the politicians will no be able to make the people buy them.

    if you think the politician have a plan,

    think again.

    so far all ether party has done is s***w thing up.

    the democrats have block so much oil drilling in the US now we have to buy oil. they also have blocked nuclear power and still do not have a workable plan for the environment.

    the republicans have let big business run the oil market into the ground for profit.

    neither party has any plans to solve the problem in the US like illegals. high gas prices.

    the loss of good paying jobs.

    oh they say they do, but they have not even given a short outline of how they will do it.

    because it is all hot air.

  7. because hydrogen gas is very dangerouse or health

    and it demand mare costly engine it has more power than common fuels but dangerous for nature

  8. One of the main hold ups is the lack of an infrastructure.  Gasoline stations all over the place but no hydrogen stations.

  9. 1)the cars are expensive (as of most hybrids for the time being)

    2)the hydrogen fuel cells are fragile, and have to be designed in a way that they can last a reasonable amount of time after experiencing the bumps, vibrations, and shock a normal car experience

    3)freezing temperature hinders its ability to work

    4) there is no fueling infrastructure and building it will cost billions(in which no1 wants to pay for at least not right now)

    5)even with fueling stations hydrogen is hard to store and transport

    6)many of the companies that would be providing hydrogen fuel: bp, shell, exxon also provide oil so they rather milk that cow dry before introducing hydrogen as a fuel

  10. Hydrogen is too dangerous. If u have a wreck it could blow away the whole block.

  11. I keep asking the same question.  It just makes sense.  Emissions are water!  The only think we would have to worry about is another great flood!

    And as for the cost, if a majority of the population demanded hydrogen cars, the price would go down.  It's all one big brain wash by big oil companies.

  12. Well, where were you planning to find the hydrogen to run them?  There are no hydrogen wells: you can either get it by heating natural gas, which is already a pretty good fuel, until the carbon falls out of it.  Or you can dissociate water with electric current, which requires a good deal more energy to accomplish than you ever get from the hydrogen.  Hydrogen works as an energy-storage medium in a case like this, but it's not a particularly good one because the stuff is unpleasant to transport and has poor energy-storage density.  

    You're correct to ask such a question, of course.  But the people who've been pushing hydrogen cars haven't done a real good job of thinking the whole scheme through.

  13. So most probably ETHANOL can take place of Petrol if a way to produce it without using sugar cane or corn is found.

    When talked of other means they are going to be VERYY EXPENSIVE!for next 20 to 50 years

  14. 1) High cost

    2) No distribution infastructure for fuel

  15. Firstly there is no demand for them....

    Secondly i heard a rumor that the oil companies buy up these technologies so that thy don't compete with the combustion engines, therefore profit stays high.

  16. because we the people don't demand them we just go about has if there's nothing we can do, and accept the status quo, and of course many of us have been taught not to be concern about our well being, we just care about nothing not even ourselves. why is that well its the food we eat, which throws off our thinking.

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