
Why don't we use propane gas to fuel our cars .?

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I just came from Peru in south America and there were car running on propane gas and it was more economic, it lasted more




  1. Landfills produce methane, not propane. And propane is still a fossil fuel, one which is rarer than gasoline. That'd be a lot of effort for very little payback.

  2. Propane will produce less HP. So if u start out with a small motor u may not be able to pull the load.

  3. Many cars do run on propane.  You can have yours converted for a price as well.

  4. 1: the tanks required to contain the propane are heavy and need to be inspected every 5 years.

    2: the infrastructure is not there to support propane for 100million cars.

    there are propane powered vehicles on the road though, including many fleet vehicles like city buses.

  5. Some people do . You can get kits off the net to convert your car over . Allot of factory's and such use propane on there  fork lifts inside the building because its allot cleaner to be used inside. But if everyone started using propane the price would just sky rocket

  6. You can't park it in a garage.  And it is exspencive to to convert it, and harder to find a mechanic to work on it after.  And if it was a common thing it would not be cheaper any more.  A lot of taxi cabs here are propane though.

    You get methane from landfills not propane.  I don't thin it can be liqufied naerly as simply.  Propane is actual called Liqified Petroleum Gas (LPG).  A fosil fuel.

  7. Porpane is a fossil fuel byproduct and costs as much a petrol. We don't get as many miles out of propane as we do of gasoline. A better idea would be to run our cars on saltwater.

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