
Why don't we use solar energy ?

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in machines like in cars and bikes ? is it hard ? or does it cost much ? because its way better than oil




  1. It probably costs too much, and is not extremely reliable at times, for example, at night.

  2. The governments are useless.

  3. because solar energy is very expensive to keep especially with all the solar panels and everyhting else.

    but someday.


  4. The gasoline is the most efficient. Mother nature with plants is recycling CO2 into oxygen . There are trillions of plants and they are doing a great job. The plants are recycling our fossil fuels .

  5. People who can afford to utilize solar energy do. It seems the government won't make the use of solar energy cheaper because President Bush wants us to use oil so he and his buddies can make money off of us. I think if we had a President who cared about his/her people and cared about the earth and the stop of global warming, solar power would be investigated more. It seems everyone uses the excuse that it "costs too much", but that is the law of supply and demand. If everyone worked together and came up with more ideas, then the demand would be great, but the supply would be greater too.

    If I were you, I would read books and movies on the environment and ways to protect it -- you may find a way of doing something that could really make a positive impact.

  6. its very expensive..and doesnt work as well as oil.

  7. I'm going to mention An Inconvenient Truth again.  Al Gore talks about people in the government that have know since the '60's that we are destroying the earth atmosphere.  Nothing has been done to help.  the government is too busy lining their pockets with money to care about the earth.  This is where we all live.  We have no where else to go.  We have to help ourselves.  Go solar, go to Hybrid cars.  I wish I could afford it.  I would love to have solar panels.  The more I make sure to keep lights off and unplug things that I'm not using, the more my hydro costs.  It's crazy.  I plants gardens and trees in my yard, but I use rain water.  I'll use the bath water in the tub to water house plants, ( I use Shaklee products that are biodegradable, so they are safe for my plants and garden) , I hate to waste that water.  It's up to us to make the changes wherever we can,  It's not hard, its just something different.

  8. The costs are too high and it's inefficient.

  9. It's alot of money.

  10. The technology is still young and needs to be improved before it can be efficient enough to power motor vehicles.  It can currently be incorporated as an assist to power, but not as a primary source.  For homes where weight and area are less of a problem, solar works great.  It is still expensive to set up, but once it's there, it immediately starts paying for itself.

    There's also not enough profit in it to get businessmen and politicians frothing at the mouth over it.  The few that want to sell it are excited, but the rest see a product with almost no maintenance as a financial no-no.

    Give it time, we'll get there.  Don't forget wind power, as well.  The market and the science will come around, but it's going to take time before they really see just how urgent our energy problems are.

  11. COST a big factor1 and gov't not really behind it Lobbist for oil companys run gov't look at Chaney and Bush both tied to big OIl!! standard and shell company's both on boards and earn on stocks they own! POLITICS hand in hand with GOV'T! on the energy front they only do right by public during election years! but are deep in OIL!!

  12. right now its more expensive to produce than oil, but it gets cheaper and cheaper every year, and in a few years it will see more and more power follows the same principle as computer chips, in that its efficiency and speed and power doubles roughly every 18 months given stable prices..........

  13. Costs too much and not very efficient.

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