
Why don't we use sweet sorghum instead of corn to make biofuel?

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Is it because of the corn lobby in Washington?




  1. Why don't we just use all the diesel we waste on burning corn to make ethanol for powering our vehicles in the first place. There is no savings in the use of fossil fuel when using ethanol, it's just used for production rather than mobility. That is just wasteful and expensive.

  2. probably because there's greater supply of corn vs. sorghum and prices are lower?

  3. Biofuel as a fuel is a scam. It pollutes as much if not more than gasoline and is less efficent so basically it's worse than gas. Also, its government subsidized and a huge scam. Politicians make huge grants and free money for people to start a biofuel business, then they get the grants they created and make money, its all about lining their pockets, biofuel is junk.

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