
Why don't women band together around the world to put a stop to all the conditions?

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that keep them down. From the lad mags to stone aged second class citizen status, problems like these could be abolished. Women are over half the population. Could it be done with a strong union?




  1. I think there are women (or feminist as some of you would call them) who're doing this as we speak. But because women are not viewed the same way that they are here in the states, it's a little hard for them to speak out and fight against the intolerance's that we do here. Remember that people in other parts in of the world don't have the same value systems that we do.

  2. Firstly those dictartors are more than likely, <shrugs> to laugh in our faces; being so deep rooted in their own ways.  Secondly you can't force people to change their ways; just because you think yours is better; they live what they know.  Besides; in trutth Feminism has it's own battles to be dealing with.

  3. Working together can help, but as long as there are men who think women are inferior beings the problem will continue.

  4. Yes it could happen, but a lot of women in this world are brainwashed to accept horrible conditions. In fact, people have been trying for years to get women to stand up for their rights and it still hasn't worked. For ex: women who go back to or stay in abusive relationships even though EVERYONE tells them to get out of the situation.

    Like I have said before, why don't men rise up and rally all of the women in the world together. I believe this is the only way it will ever happen. Many women are too loyal (or whatever you want to call it) to the men in their lives, to break away from them.

  5. Some women are trying to network around the world for women's rights.

    It's much easier said than done and you better believe that there is active opposition. Because let's face it, it women had full rights as human beings and we were not supressed, it would be a different world.

    And some people who benefit the most from the current set up and many more people who fear losing what position they have Really don't like the thought of it.

    p.s. By the by, I don't see "lad mags" as something women of the world need to unite against. There are real troubles in the world that affect all of us that I'm much more concerned with.

  6. We're trying.  It's called "feminism".

  7. Because nagging does not work against dictators. Feminist are against the military, and cry to an ineffective U.N.. What options do they really have.

  8. All of the Western world is having a hard time containing one little maniac in North Korea with his panties in a bunch and a handful of plutonium.

    How, exactly, does one "force" hostile governments to treat half their populations like human beings?

  9. Becuase womne are not an homogenous group.  Women are all different in different societies.  It is up to the women of individual societies to press for change within their own groups, it is not something that can be imposed from outside.  And there may be disagreement among women as to what they wanty anyway.  For instance, in western countries not all women were in favour of female suffrage.  You have to get a consensus of enough people wanting change in order for changes to be implemented.

  10. I totally agree. There should be more laws enforced that jail men if their partner is afraid of them (USA), is insulted by them (India) is verbally harassed by them (UK) or does not give them sexual satisfaction (Mexico). Men need jail, not the freedom to scare, insult, harass, or not sexually fulfill women.

  11. Not easily.

    Despite us being half the population, we don't have a unanimous opinion. Most women are not feminists. Socially they could have the outlook, but most would never consider advocating for women's rights. And in third world countries, the thought of change has probably hasn't even occured to some.

    For example, anime: Where the girls usually look perfect and immediately fall for the unattractive man. Usually in large hordes as well. ((Love Hina, Tenchi Muyo, Negima))

    And do most women notice, or even care? No.

  12. To a great extent PEOPLE who believe in equality are doing just that. Thre are a lot of women's rights and human rights groups working on ending inequality, and improving women's lives.

    Most people have their own lives to live, and have to spend their time earning enough to live.

    A strong union? Not sure what you have in mind.

    The countries in which women have it worse, are run by men. Dunno what you think we can do, exactly.

    Not all women are on board on change.

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