
Why don't women like Mrs. Palin?

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By the way Mfrad, commuting to Arizona every day on the Amtrak would be a little to far for anyone. I am sure you know that Deleware is an hour and change from D.C. by train.




  1. I'm personally insulted by how shallow McCain is.  He honestly thinks just because she's a woman we'll vote for her.  What an a-s-s!  She a Stepford religious right nutcase.  She's involved in multiple scandals back in Alaska.  She was FOR the bridge to nowhere before she was AGAINST it.  She is NOT a reformer.  She wants to make abortion and even birth control pills illegal.

    Class warfare?  d**n right.  There was an article in the NY Times today about how the economy and individuals have fared under Republican and Democratic administrations over the last 60 years.  They found that economy grew an average of 60% faster under the Democrats.  They also found the inequality between rich and poor increased DRAMATICALLY under Republican administrations.  In short the Republicans are the party of the rich and are crushing the middle class.  The economist who did the study proved it.

    You are a FOOL if you think Mrs Palin is qualified for the office.  You're drinking the religious right Kool-aid.  She is in fact one of the most UNqualified people for the office in this countries history.

    In addition all this makes McCain look like an idiot.  According to another NY Times article he did practical NO background check.  The NY Times checked with dozens of politicians and business leaders in Alaska and NONE of them had been contacted.  The McCain campaign tried implying the FBI did a check, but that was a lie.  The FBI released a statement saying they didn't know who the pick was until announced.  No John McCain caved to the religious right.  Instead of picking Ridge or Lieberman he went with Palin.

    And another thing.  If the Democratic VP had all the problems she does (inexperience, teen daughter pregnant, scandals) you can be sure those same forgiving religious right nuts would be all over it like a hive of angry hornets!  They are HYPOCRITES.

    Guess which senator is worth the least?  Joe Biden!  He's worth, get this, negative $300,000.  He own ONE house and commutes by train to work everyday.  Can McCain say that?

    Palin does not represent the vast majority of women.  She a right wing fundie who only wants to push her religious agenda.


  2. Palin is a social conservative who can't even live up to the "values" she preaches about. For example: She wants to subject all public school students to abstinence-only s*x education, yet it is apparent it didn't even work on her own daughter.

    I know this may come as a surprise, but just because you are socially liberal does not mean you are fiscally liberal as well. I am fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, and so I do not support Hillary Clinton, either.

  3. Class warfare?! Please. Conservatives declared war on the poor a long time ago. They only call it "class warfare" when the people try and fight back.

    And why would I be happy with someone of any gender in the White House where I disagree with them on every single issue?

    It's not just that she's pro-life, though that doesn't help.

    She's also for:

    abstinence-only s*x ed. Her own family is an example of how well that works.

    more and more drilling for oil rather than looking into alternative fuels

    teaching fairy tales in science class.

    I don't see how being realistic about teenage s*x drives, thoughtful about the environment and respectful of scientific theories makes one "ultra liberal." Nor do I see it as too much to ask in a candidate.

  4. It's actually a bit insulting to assume that just become someone is a woman, it must mean that all other women must automatically support her. It's like saying that all black people have to support particular political candidates because they're black. I thought most people are more evolved than that. No, I support candidates who most agree with my personal views. For example, I wish Barack Obama had picked a woman or a minority instead of the white male he did choose. However, since Joe Biden's views basically agree with mine, I support that choice.

  5. You're right. Women who get behind the patriarchy don't count as women, in the sense that feminists tend to want more women in the corridors of power. This isn't saying that she's not a woman in any other sense, though.

    Feminism is about choice. Palin has the choice to espouse misogynistic, anti-choice, controlling and sanctimonious approaches to gender politics, and I have the choice not to want a woman like her in the White House.

    Edit - That's Karkhash, thank you. It's only four more keystrokes. Probably won't kill you.

    And no, feminism isn't just about abortion. You'll note I said it was about choice - and then said that that included Palin's choice about her own political views. The term has a world of meaning beyond its place in the second part of 'pro-choice'.

  6. Well I'm walking in on this one late...  but I can see that MANY people have given you some very valid, well thought out reasons why they will not vote for Palin.   You asked why women don't seem to like Palin, and they are telling you why.

    So... Why are you arguing with them?  

    I will not be voting the McBush / Palin ballot.  I didn't want McBush before, and I am even more dead set against him now. Palin is inexperienced in ALL phases of washington level government as well as economics and foreign policy.  She calls herself a "soccer mom" and that's great, the country is filled with a million wonderful soccer moms, but honestly that doesn't make her vice president material. Being a soccer mom is probably where her true (and only) expertise lies...

    As for all the other very good reasons other people gave here, today--  Yep!  I agree with every single one of them!  I know disaster (well, MORE disaster) when I see it comin' 'round the bend.  

    I have to go with Obama /Biden.  He has inspired HOPE for change... I hope he doesn't disappoint us all.

  7. Every woman I know likes her.

    I see that you refer to the men candidates by just their last name, e.g., McCain or Obama, yet you refer to Governor Palin as Mrs. Palin.  Given that she's a Governor, it is more appropriate to refer to her as Governor Palin?  Would you refer to Mr. Obama or Senator Obama?  Mr. Biden or Senator Biden?

    However, to vote for a woman just to elect a woman will net you a loser governor like Governor Blanco of Louisiana who allowed New Orleans to lay in destruction because she wanted to "think about it" regarding whether to send in the National Guard.

  8. Surprisingly, many people who vote (including women) decide who they will vote for dependent upon the issues in the election.  I would assume the women who do not like Governor Palin dislike her for similar reasons.

  9. I don't like the choice because she was ill considered; McCain is thoughtlessly trying to rake in Clinton's rabid feminist supporters. Also, I don't agree with her politics.

    Edit: You republicans must be on a short tether. How can you defend McCain's choice when the breadth of his criticism about Obama dealt with inexperience? He just shot himself in the foot, and you make it sound like some glorious bit of politicking.

  10. There are more qualifications besides have a v****a. This woman is out of touch with people outside her little village in Alaska, she is anti choice even in cases of rape or incest, she chose to have a downs child and she eats caribou and jogs, not enough to qualify her for any ofc let alone that close to the presidency.

  11. So women should vote for Palin because she is a woman? If they don't like her political stances, then they just don't. Why would any free thinking person vote for a McCain ticket when they wouldn't have before? She wouldn't be the president, McCain would. If something happens to McCain's corpse, would you feel comfortable with her running the country? I feel that the VP should also be a viable replacement for the president.

  12. It's not that she's disliked; it's that her views are disliked.

    Women tend to be liberal, but Mrs. Palin is pretty far-right.  She is also very anti-choice, whereas most women are pro-choice.

  13. For the most and as far I have have seen the only women who have hammered Palin are the far left wacko's that are still upset Hillary isn't on their ticket.

  14. She is anti-choice. You can't get much more anti-woman than that.

  15. I don't support her because she is anti abortion. I also don't support Hillary Clinton.  

  16. If other women disagree with her and refuse to vote for her on that basis, it's a h**l of a lot better than voting for her just because she has a v****a.

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