
Why don't women like feminists?

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Why don't women like feminists?




  1. You know what I think. I think you don't give a d**n as to what other women have to say; according to your book all of us women have got to be feminists.  Kiss my <cough>  I owe you absolutely nothing. <sneers, turns around and walks away>

  2. I think women do like feminists, they see them as sticking up for their rights :-)

  3. I find it to be demeaning of my femininity and that it robs men of their endearing  qualities.

  4. My wife says it attempts to paint all women the same way: as radicals.  

    Should a woman deny being a feminist, they are then considered "traitors" and free-loaders.


    Rio, that is a little unfair.  Both sides cast aspersions at the other, but because radical feminists claim a moral high ground, and the right to dictate terms, they effectively have more power to subjugate other women.  Personally, I bow out of the issue, being a man, but I have seen many women get attacked by feminists for not "maintaining the rage" or whatever.  In some ways, women who do not wish to be classed as feminists are treated worse than men.

    Oh, and I will reserve the total and absolute right to stand up for my wife against any feminist dogma.  Because she is studying at university, she is exposed to some of the more extreme elements of youthful, misguided and misandrist feminist antics.

  5. i like feminists...

    they taste like chicken!

  6. Whats to like?  They are mean, bitchy, loud and stupid.

  7. I like very few people.  I haven't got a very affectionate nature.  And feminists get on my nerves.  Especially the ones who say "OOh, I couldn't stay at home with the children, I'd be bored" like they think that's a sign of intelligence, when in fact not being able to keep yourself amused in your own home is,, as far as i am concerned, a sign of extreme stupidity.  The ones who say "women didn't work in the past" "women didn't do anything except cooking and cleaning" etc, drive me nuts as well.  How can they claim to be feminists, and yet have so little knowledge of, and interest in, women of past ages?

  8. I'm not a big fan of most of them because they come off as hypocrites. They cry for equal rights and for the women to be able to make her own choices ......which is fine ....but then if we *choose* to not be feminist they scream that we're traitors and setting women back hundreds of years. If they feel so strongly that women should have freedom of choice, then what about the women who choose to not be feminists? I also dislike extreme feminists because of their abortion views. 'womans body, her choice' ......what about the babys body? doesnt s/he have a choice to NOT be ripped apart, killed, and thrown in the garbage?  I agree with equal pay and equal rights, for EVERYONE involved, that includes unborn babies.

  9. Some don't because they're not educated enough to know what a feminist really is.

  10. Most female scientists I know laugh at feminist ideology, yet think that equal rights/opportunities are fine.

    We do not go around calling people who support the Constitution, Constitutionalists, do we?

    Well, I see one ideologue needs a lesson in logic.

  11. Aren't all women feminists?

  12. To the answerer above: Trust me, feminists aren't the ones doing the painting.

    Women do appreciate what the original feminists did for current generations, and tend to agree with its fundamental principles. Most avoid the label for fear of being "painted."

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