
Why don't women want a woman to be President? Do they hate themselves that much?

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Why do women use demeaning language to speak to another women who asks about women's rights--and, in the process, demean themselves?




  1. No, they just hate Hillary

  2. If women dislike Hilary cos she didn't leave the old sleaze and they think that that is a good reason for not voting for her then they deserve a Pres who does not give a toss about womens rights.

    Her private life is still that, even if it was made so public. This shouldn't be a personality contest for f's sake! This is a bit more important than if you think you LIKE her! Maybe women like that would like her better if she wore nice shoes or someting.

  3. indoctrination

    women also tend to be people pleasers...even if its at their own if a big enough group doesnt like a out!

  4. As long as the president is qualified and competent, why should I care if it's a man or a woman? Same thing for the race of the president. Right now there happens to be three very unqualified and incompetent candidates for the office, one of which is a woman and one of which is half african-american. I'm don't want to have an incompetent president just for the sake of having a woman in office.

  5. Because deep down, fundamentally they know their place, their pecking order & all their emotional baggage ; if you're referring to one being President of the u.s., GET  SERIOUS..

  6. No, it seems the  men think women should be ironing their  clothes and having their babies.

  7. Unfortunately sometimes women are their own worst enemies.  The Equal Rights Amendment was ultimately defeated many years ago, partly because many women were afraid of such silly issues as the possibility of unisex bathrooms, as well as more serious issues such as alimony and custody rights.  There are many women who harbor chauvinistic attitudes, some of which hurt women, some of which hurt men.

    And we all know that people often use derogatory comments to describe themselves, e.g. a black person using the N-word, a Irish person using the M-word, an Italian person using the G-word.  It is intended to deny the offender power over them.  Although this can be a sign of self-hatred, it has been utilized as a crude and not-so-tasteful way of dealing with such hatred.  If it does not offend you, then it has lost its potency.

    But let me add something to this issue.  I, a registered Democrat and a black man, was supporting Hillary Clinton for president, despite my mother and sister supporting Obama.  My support, as New Yorker, was based on her record of achievement in representing the State of New York.  The fact that Obama, having at least one drop of black blood, is a black man was, and remains, immaterial.

    And sometimes, in my private moments, I too use the N-word, but only to highlight certain chaacrteristics and attitudes of our subject of conversation.

    So I partly agree with your premise.  The fight for equality will hopefully continue

  8. hilary is very big headed.

  9. i wouldn't mind having a woman president, just not that woman.

  10. hilary may be woman but she tries to act like a man, so whats the point? if i'm going to vote for a woman i want her to act like herself.

    i would sooner vote for a flaming homosexual man as a female candidate than i would hillary

  11. No we don't hate ourselves, we just hate our mothers, and Hilary reminds us of our mothers.  Ha Ha.

  12. Yes

  13. Diamond: nicely said. i agree.

  14. I want the best candidate for president. I don't care one bit what that person's s*x, race or religion is, I just want the country to be led by the more capable person possible. If Hillary isn't that person then I'm not going to vote for her, plain and simple. Voting for someone based on s*x alone is idiotic.

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