
Why don't women wear dresses more often on hot days ? I secretly tried on one of my wifes and it was very?

by  |  earlier

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comfortable and kind of fun to swish around in.




  1. Your wife probably doesn't wear dresses because she's the only one wearing the pants in this family, literally and figuratively.

  2. I wish women would wear dresses more often.  I don't know why they don't, My wife says its because pants are easier, and more comfortable.

  3. I wear dresses probably 80% of the time and I've never understood why more girls don't.  You're right... they are super-comfy, especially if they have full skirts so they're not all tight against your legs.  And no, just because you realize how practical and comfortable they are doesn't make you g*y.

  4. ummmm...... and u actually enjoyed it? i think u need help or u may just be g*y.... i would kick my bf out if i found him in one of my dresses.

  5. probably because their legs get hot and sweaty and stuck together.  plus they dont like to have to shave all the time.  when youre wearing pants you actually feel cooler.  its great that women wear pants.  you can wear the dresses ok?  

  6. i think i saw your wife at Adult Mart buying a strap-on

  7. well I dont wear dresses more on hot days b/c If I have to wear a drses then I have to wear sandals or dress shoes and that gets so uncomfortable all day long.........

    Also most of the day I am chasing around after my kids, playing games changing diapers, much easier to manuver in pants or shorts.  

  8. haha you're hilarious. I still wear dresses but not all the time, but then again I'm not much of a girly girl. and wow just don't turn g*y on the poor woman.  

  9. Okay Jack please do that again and take a pit.  Send a link so we all can see.

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