
Why don't woodpeckers get headaches when they slam their head on a tree all day?

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Ash: sorry to tell you this, but there is no logic in your answer. LMAO!




  1. The reason is that their brain is surrounded by  a jelly type of material to absorb the pressure.


  2. hmm.........there's some logic in dis question! well, i think dey hav rocks in their head!

  3. That's a great question.  Gave me a headache just thinking about it.

    I stole this from a website.  It's a great answer:

    "Research at the University of Montana indicates that the force of the impact of its brain against the inner walls of the skull is distributed over a surface area that is relatively large, given the small volume of the brain. The latter, in and of itself, limits rotational forces. These two factors together contribute to decreasing the vulnerability of the woodpecker’s brain to injury by perhaps 50 to 100 times compared to that of the human brain.

    Another adaptation is that the brain fits very snugly inside the skull, because the woodpecker has very little cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that cushions the brain and spinal cord from the surrounding bone structure), so there is relatively less movement of the brain in relation to the skull and therefore little risk of injury.

    The woodpecker’s brain is protected, too, by transmission of much of the force of the impact to the areas of the skull that are thickest and most dense; these, in turn, transmit the force of the impact to the neck, with its thick musculature, and not to the brain. In some woodpeckers, modified joints between certain bones in the skull and upper jaw, together with the attached muscles, also absorb the force of the impact."

  4. ha ha ha! i guess their heads are made to resist the wacking

  5. I'm going to assume that this is a serious question............

    The brain of a woodpecker is encased by a  special fluid sack  that acts like a type of "shock absorber " to dampen the vibration effects. Their skull  is also  thicker than in other birds.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  6. How do we know they don't?

  7. Their beaks have a shock absorber type thing.

  8. You need a brain to have a headache, more than just a synapse cluster, LOL!

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