
Why don't world leaders do anything about global warming or global dimming?

by Guest62733  |  earlier

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They have so much power to change but they're barely doing anything.




  1. Because it is too late to change anything. The damage is already done and it is only going to continue to snowball.

  2.   George Bush didn't believe in it for years and thought the actions people were proposing would destroy the American economy.  Emerging nations consider proposals to be a way of preventing them from becoming as rich as America.  

      And leaders, you might notice, are elected, and get unelected if people lose jobs.

  3. It is an economic issue.  That means legislation.  That means delay.

    Also, there are no good alternatives. Additionally, the alternatives we have will take years to come on line.

    Nuclear – years to build a new power station

    Wind – Not enough reliable wind locations.

    Solar – still expensive even with high oil prices

    Hydro – mostly tapped out

    Geothermal – limited number of sites

    Fusion – closer - but still a dream

  4. there is one answer and that is money, people are too short sited even with high fuel cost to realize that a few million $$$ are going to end up saving billions  

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